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Media Ignoring Pro-Life Presence at DNC Convention

By Susan Brinkmann, OCDS Staff Writer The mainstream media is ignoring the presence of thousands of pro-life advocates at the Democratic National Convention in Denver, as well as one of the largest pro-life displays ever erected, in protest of the Democratic Party’s support of abortion. Denver’s Archbishop Charles Chaput is among the more than 2,500 people who are participating in prayerful protests in the vicinity of the Pepsi Center, the site of the Democratic convention. On Monday evening, he joined Alveda King, niece of Dr. Martin Luther King, at a prayer vigil outside a Denver area Planned Parenthood clinic. Even though the Democrats’ concerns about caring for women and children are laudable, they don’t excuse the party’s position on abortion, the Archbishop said. “I think [the Democrats] committed themselves without any doubt to choice on the matter of abortion,” he told a reporter at the Vigil. “I think caring for women who want to have their children is essential. That’s a given. That isn’t a step in the right direction, that’s where we should all be standing from the beginning. I stand with that with great enthusiasm, but it doesn’t distract me from the fact that platform still allows for abortion and the destruction of unborn human life." Alveda King called the prospect of an Obama presidency a “nightmare” because of his support for abortion without limits.  “Senator Obama’s answer to the ills of society [including] continued tax dollars to Planned Parenthood, are diametrically opposed to everything African Americans truly believe and an anathema to the dream of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr," she said. King knows the pain women feel from an abortion, she said, because she's had three and said Obama is condemning women to the kind of pain she experienced. Irregardless of all the political issues he may include in his acceptance speech on Thursday night, none of those issues matter if people aren’t alive to enjoy the benefits.  “We can talk about poverty; we can talk about the war; we can talk about teen pregnancy; we can talk about incarceration," King said. "However, if we're not allowed to live, we'll never encounter those issues.” Even thought the media is largely ignoring them, pro-life people are finding creative ways to get their message across to delegates. For instance, teenagers are using chalk to write pro-life messages on the sidewalks that will be read by delegates on their way into the convention. Local pro-life advocates in Denver went even further and climbed nearby Table Mountain to erect a 530 foot tall and 666 foot wide message across the slope – “DNC Destroys Unborn Children.” The protest sign weighs more than 2,700 pounds. It was sewn together with more than four miles of seams connecting 2,400 sheets, backpacked onto the location and unfurled by 44 letter carriers with spotters a mile away to ensure proper letter placement. The mammoth display could be seen from just about every hotel in Denver before police ordered it removed. It is now being considered as a possible entry into the Guinness Book of World Records.   © All Rights Reserved, Living His Life Abundantly/Women of Grace. We have a right to express our beliefs in the public square. In "Catholicism and the Public Square," Ambassador Alan Keyes explains to what extent our Catholic faith should inform our opinions, attitudes, and votes. Available for only $5 in our store at




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