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New Budget Increases Abortion Funding

By Susan Brinkmann, OCDS Staff Journalist Even though the abortion-funding health care reform bill seems to have lost steam on the hill, the pro-abortion Obama administration has tucked millions of abortion subsidies into the new budget. According to a report by, the FY2011 budget released on Monday takes full advantage of areas where abortion funding is allowed – for overseas abortion providers, in the District of Columbia and through the Legal Services Corporation (LSC). For instance, Obama's budget proposes a $10 million increase for Planned Parenthood which it funds through the Title X program. The FY2011 budget will increase their annual subsidy from $317,491,000 to $327,356,000. The Obama budget also proposed overturning another ban on abortion funding which concerned the Legal Services Corporation. “Congress has previously approved budgets that retain a long-standing prohibition on the Legal Services Corporation (LSC), which provides legal help to lower-income Americans, providing legal counseling any person or entity “that participates in any litigation with respect to abortion,” explains LifeNews’ Steve Ertelt. “Page 1284 of the proposed budget Obama submitted to Congress includes a change to that law that would result in LSC funds going to people or groups that engage in abortion litigation provided that LSC funds are not used directly for the litigation.” What this is essentially doing, Ertelt writes, is allowing the LSC to be reimbursed for providing legal advice and support to people or groups who are in lawsuits related to obtaining abortions. This means taxpayers are actually paying for pro-abortion groups to fight abortion laws! The new budget also continues funding to the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) which promotes abortion and other “reproductive health” services overseas. This is possible because of the president’s decision to repeal the Mexico City Policy, which bans all funding to groups that engage in abortion, by executive order. However, the UNFPA is a known accomplice in China’s draconian one-child family planning policy that promotes forced abortion and sterilization on women who have had more than one child. This involvement requires that it be denied federal funds because of the Kemp-Kasten law which prohibits the granting of funds to any organization or program that ‘supports or participates in the management of a program of coercive abortion or involuntary sterilization’.  Apparently, the Obama administration reversed a ruling by the Bush Administration stating that the UNFPA violated this law by working with the Chinese officials, thus allowing the group to receive funds even though evidence proved they were indeed involved in one-child policy enforcement. While the proposed budget retains the Kemp-Kasten provision, it does not apply it to the UNFPA and actually deletes other conditions on UNFPA funding that will now allow them to receive millions of taxpayer dollars without reporting or accounting requirements. “As a result, U.S. contributions to UNFPA will be used for activities in China and the UNFPA may receive taxpayer funding even if they pay for abortion," Ertelt writes. Concerned citizens should contact their representatives to express their concern at or by calling 202-224-3121. © All Rights Reserved, Living His Life Abundantly®/Women of Grace®




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