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Does Your Energy Need Adjusting?

Paul Lennard Paul Lennard

The rich and famous just can’t fine enough ways to waste their money! Now they're sinking major amounts of cash into the latest New Age snake oil  known as “energy adjustments”.

Described as a combination of "shrinks, psychics and therapists", this new treatment claims to adjust one's bodily energies - but not the kind we know about. This is about adjusting a fictitious “life force energy” that serious scientists say doesn't exist.

But that doesn't seem to matter to the likes of Gwyneth Paltrow, Naomi Watts, Jessica Biel and Halle Berry who are all indulging in the new craze.

So what’s it all about? Ashley Pearson, writing for The Daily Mail, had her energy adjusted by practitioner Paul Lennard of the UK who she calls the “healer of choice” for the rich and famous (and their dogs). His treatment is a mix of (the scientifically unfounded) craniosacral therapy, psychic insights and Chi Nei Tsang (a kind of Chinese Reiki).

“As I lay fully clothed on a massage table, Paul scanned my body without touching it, and occasionally pressed a point which was excruciating,” Pearson writes. “At other times, he appeared to pull invisible 'strings' from my body - stuck energy, apparently. He says that he’s guided in his work by what he can only describe as 'intuition' or a 'sixth sense' to clear old traumas that are showing up as current health problems in the mind and body.”

Lennard correctly pointed to a traumatic experience she had at the age of seven, which led Pearson to believe Lennard might have some real power after all (where those powers originate is never disclosed).

He went on to explain that he’s had no formal training for what he does, but became aware of his unique “powers” while working for a zoo. Apparently, the gorillas began to “sing” to him and point to an eye or an ear that was bothering them in some way, which he would later learn was either caused by an infection or an injury. But he ignored the phenomenon and left the zoo to become a personal trainer. While there, he began to “see things” about his clients – pictures in his mind that were connected to some kind of trauma that occurred in the person’s life. One day, a psychic came into the gym and told him that a person with his powers only comes to earth “once every seven lifetimes”.

“He clarified that he is not a psychic and he has no power to predict the future – rather he can sometimes look into the past, particularly if a past trauma has manifested into a physical blockage of energy,” Pearson writes. “He says that he is ‘tuning in’ to the client's emotional history, clearing trauma that is stored at a cellular level. He claims that he can often 'see' where the body is unconsciously 'holding' the memory of an event or feeling which has a physical manifestation, most often in a negative way.”

She left Lennard’s clinic feeling “positive, relaxed and re-energized” which could have been due to anything from placebo to her own expectations.

As for Lennard’s discovery of her childhood trauma, these kinds of revelations are all-in-a-day’s work for the evil one who is a well-known source for psychic powers which will never be sourced in the God who referred to them in Scripture as an “abomination” (see Deuteronomy 18:10).

When I visited Lennard’s cite, I found the usual “testimonials” singing his praises as well as a page devoted to “skeptics” in which he says that unlike allopathic medicine, “energy healing has no downside or adverse side effects. It offers exactly what it says on the bottle.”

Of course, that all depends on what it says on the bottle. If it clearly states that no one has ever discovered the kind of putative energy force he’s purporting to “adjust” which means he could be “adjusting” thin air, and that occult powers may be involved in the “intuition” he uses to sense blockages and past traumas which may or may not cause serious spiritual, emotional and even physical side effects, then the statement on the bottle would be correct. If not, then his clients are being denied vital information that might otherwise allow them to make a fully informed choice about whether or not to cough up the $90-odd dollars a session being charged for his services.

Even though the stars can afford to throw away their money on this kind of thing, they are no more able than we are to afford the spiritual ramifications of submitting oneself to a person who is openly employing psychic/occult powers.

The bottom line is that conventional medicine may not always save your physical life, but at least it doesn’t imperil your eternal life!






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