Blog Post

Is the “Pregnancy Miracle” Really a Miracle?

pregnancy miracleES writes: "My husband and I have been trying to conceive a child for the last four years, and a well-meaning friend recently sent me a link to a website claiming to guarantee your conceiving a child by following their 'scientifically proven' steps. My first reaction when I look at this website is not to trust it, it feels like a scam. Have you heard anything about 'Pregnancy Miracle - Free Infertility Cure Presentation?' It is interesting to me they say it is free, but you can buy it for the ‘low low price of $47’. If it is the scam that I think it is, can you inform your readers? What a horrible thing to take advantage of people having trouble with their fertility!”

After perusing the website and looking for any sign of either a bona fide scientific study based on the process, and a real review of the method, I have also come away unconvinced.

For those who have never heard of it, the Pregnancy Miracle is an e-book offer from Lisa Olson, who refers to herself as a Chinese Medicine Researcher, Alternative Health and Nutrition Specialist, Health Consultant and author. She claims to have “picked the brains of every doctor, herbalist, homeopath and naturopath” to come up with her own foolproof system for conquering infertility. (Red flag alert #1: not a single MD is mentioned by name while none of the other three practitioners are medical doctors.)

Her website, which is about a mile-long, contains nothing more than a variety of colorful sales pitches interspersed with dozens of testimonials. She claims to offer “easy-to-follow techniques and remedies involving diet, herbs, and acupressure to improve your overall health and well-being, strengthen the organs and systems vital to reproduction, heal specific conditions that may affect fertility and even support reproductive methods such as IVF and hormone therapy.”

Lisa Olson Lisa Olson

None of these fantastic claims are backed by authentic scientific research – only her own experience which she claims was “clinically researched . . . by 65,000+ hours of alternative medicine expertise with holistic and Chinese medicine research for getting pregnant quickly and naturally.” (Red flag alert #2: Because just about anyone can call themselves an expert in alternative, holistic or Chinese medicine just by saying so or by purchasing a bogus certificate on-line, this means absolutely nothing.)

Of course, she never tells you exactly what the system is – you have to pay $47 for it.

Perhaps the biggest red flag of all is the website’s disclaimer which I found to be quite disturbing. After warning women not to give up their conventional treatments, it goes on to rid itself of all liability for injury based on the use of its materials.

“The Website is neither responsible nor liable for injury resulting from the use, misuse, and/or abuse of The Materials. You hereby release and agree to hold harmless The Website, its directors, officers, employees, agents, representatives, successors, advisors, consultants, and assigns from any and all causes of action and claims of any nature resulting from your use of The Materials.”

Couples suffering from infertility have endured enough heartache than to be led down another dead-end path. If you’re suffering from infertility and are looking for natural, drug free ways to achieve pregnancy, there are plenty of methods available that are scientifically well-founded, most notably Napro technology, developed by Thomas Hilgers, MD, of the Creighton University Medical School and the Pope Paul VI Institute in Omaha.

This system has been clinically proven (in real laboratories!) to aid infertile women in getting pregnant as well as to heal a variety of medical issues from repetitive miscarriages to PMS to post-partum depression and ovarian cysts. It's success rate is astonishing.

There are more reasons than I can list in one blog for women to shirk the drug-infested halls of modern fertility medicine and its adjacent IVF clinics where they are usually treated more like cattle than human beings – so on that point I am in total agreement with Ms. Olson. However, while natural methods are far superior – infertile couples need to be sure these methods are for real and not just someone's untested ideas.





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