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60,000 Signatures Sent to Harvard President

harvard logoLast minute efforts continue to stop the black mass re-enactment scheduled to take place tonight at Harvard. The latest attempt is a letter from the former president of the Catholic Student Association which was delivered along with 60,000 signatures to Harvard President Drew Faust.

Terence Donilon, spokesman for the Archdiocese of Boston, sent us a copy of the letter sent today by Aurora Griffin ‘14, former president of the Harvard Catholic Student Association, Member of the HAA Board of Directors and a Rhodes Scholar. This hard-hitting letter takes the school to task not only for allowing this obscene desecration of the Church's most sacred ritual but for the exploitative use the ritual makes of the female body.

To follow is her letter in its entirety:

Office of the President, Harvard University Drew G. Faust, Ph.D.

Dear President Faust,

Nearly 60,000 students, alumni, faculty, affiliates, and friends of Harvard stand against the Harvard Extension School’s Cultural Studies Club’s satanic “Black Mass” re-enactment in the basement of Memorial Hall on this evening. We have signed local,  national,  and international  petitions. Copies of the signatures from the petition are attached.

I appreciate that you have expressed solidarity with us, but I take the time out of this stressful finals period to acknowledge the great number of people who have asked me to serve as their ambassador. As a woman, I am disturbed by their use of the female body as an object: their ritual involves exposing and maltreating a woman’s genitals. As a Catholic, I am deeply distressed that they will be targeting the most important object of my religion, the Eucharist and intentionally desecrating it. And as a board member of the Harvard Alumni Association and a Rhodes Scholar from Harvard, I am ashamed that my University is allowing such a hateful event to happen under the auspices of “education.”

The Harvard Cultural Studies program claims to emphasize the ritual’s history. Historically, the “Black Mass” mocks religious beliefs, defiles sacred items and symbols, and purposely insults the spiritual sensitivities of Harvard's Catholics, Christians, and other people of faith.

This form of satanic worship not only ridicules the central practice of Catholicism, the Mass, but it also offends all who have faith in Christ. Far from promoting an understanding of “cultural practices,” the event does the opposite: it promotes contempt for the Catholic faith and religion generally. Catholics, other Christians, and supporters of genuine tolerance and civility are rightly offended and outraged that Harvard has permitted such an event. This is not a matter of free intellectual enterprise: if this University is truly committed to diversity and tolerance, it must not condone such hateful practices, especially by renting its space to them. Moreover, we who are members of the Harvard community fear for the University’s reputation and for what Harvard’s stamp of approval will do to the University’s relationship with its alumni, students, faculty, and the global community it aims to serve.

I, with the 60,000 people listed, respectfully request that you and the Harvard administration do all in your power to prevent this hateful event and the great hurt it intends to so many. Regardless, I look forward to seeing you at the Holy Hour this evening!

Sincerely, Aurora Griffin ‘14

President of the Harvard Catholic Student Association, 2012-2013 Member of the HAA Board of Directors Rhodes Scholar, Class of 2014




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