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What's So Dangerous About Core Synchonization Therapy?

Dr. Robert Stevens Dr. Robert Stevens

TB writes: "A woman I encountered as of late claims that Core Synchronization therapy is an acceptable form of energy medicine. I beg to differ since the word energy is in it. What can you tell me about this practice? Is it like Reiki? Also can you tell me the dangers to a person's soul who practices Reiki or any kind of energy medicine? For some reason this makes the hair stand up on the back of my neck."

It should! Your friend is dead wrong - first that there is any acceptable form of energy medicine (it's all bogus) and second, that Core Synchronization is okay. The latter incorporates theophostic beliefs, an occult-based mysticism that has been condemned by the Church, so it can be as dangerous to the soul as Reiki which relies on a "spirit guide" to direct the manipulation of the alleged energy in a person's body.

As for Core Syncronization therapy - aka Core Synchronism - this is a massage-based therapy based on the idea that the human being is comprised of the "mental/emotional, etheric and physical bodies and is animated by the core current."

This description alone raises a few very big red flags. First of all, "etheric" is a label used in theosophy to describe a vital or subtle energy that is said to connect the human body with "higher" bodies (read entities). Second, I have been unable to find any scientific substantiation for the "core current" mentioned in this description. It is no doubt classified as a "putative" form of energy, meaning it has no basis in science and is not even known to exist, let alone to be responsible for a person's health.

However, practitioners of Core Synchronization are somehow taught how to palpate this core current on the crown of the head and other parts of the body.

"Pain is the result of a body part (mental/emotional, etheric, physical) being out of synch with the core current and cerebral spinal fluid. Disharmonious motion causes friction that produces inflammation, which then results in pain or discomfort," the website claims. "By re-establishing synchronistic balance with the core current, cerebral spinal fluid and the dys-synchronistic body part —through palpation and focused intent— harmony is restored to the organism thus breaking the pain-discomfort cycle."

Yet another set of red flags began flapping in the wind when I searched the website and found not a single peer-reviewed article or scientific study of this technique. When the only "proof" offered are user testimonials, head for the exit.

Apparently, this technique was pioneered by a man named Robert Stevens who has a degree in Religious Studies from Indiana University. From there, he graduated from the Shivananda International Institute of Yoga, and the National Institute of Reflexology. He also received a degree as a Chartered Herbalist, received a teaching certification in polarity therapy,  (another energy-based technique), became a certified colon therapist (this is a colon cleansing technique that the American Cancer Society says has no scientific merit and can cause serious infection and even death). He also received a degree as a nutritional counselor from the School of Scientific Nutrition in Albuquerque (non-accredited) and became a Doctor of Naturopathy (not a medical doctor) from Brantridge Forest School in Sussex, England.

In other words, Mr. Stevens is not a doctor but is instead a man very highly educated in New Age healing modalities, something he readily admits:

"I began practicing bodywork in 1974. Core is built on the back of Dr. Stone’s Polarity Therapy and specific principles of Cranial Osteopathy. Through the years that it took to figure this system out I was also deeply influenced by the philosophy of classical homeopathy, philosophy of natural therapeutics and nature cure, Edward Bach’s flower system, my own mental/emotional journeys doing additional flower medicine provings, radionics and the study of mysticism."

He began teaching the first "core classes" in 1995 in Albuquerque, NM and now has a complete system of courses that comprise six levels of instruction for a total of 124 hours of study.

All of the above practices are based on the alleged existence of an energy form or universal life force (known as chi, qi, prana, etc.) which is the basis of pantheistic belief systems that are not compatible with Christianity. All New Age "energy work" is based on this non-existent form of energy, with some practices, such as Reiki and whatever techniques are used to synchronize the "etheric" part of a person to "higher" bodies in Core Synchronization, relying on occult powers for guidance.

Doing so extends an open invitation to spiritual entities to come upon the scene, which can wreak havoc upon the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual health of both the practitioner and the patient. This can happen either through the sudden onset of physical problems, mental issues such as confusion and disorientation, emotional instability and a curiosity to explore powers that are not sourced in God which can lead to the eventual loss of the soul.

I'm sure most practitioners aren't aiming at winning souls for the devil, but their ignorance of science and the dangers of the occult makes them ideal candidates for use by the powers of darkness.

I would avoid these practices as well as the practitioners.




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