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Don't be Bullied into Silence! Support Traditional Marriage on June 19!

bride and groomIf you're tired of being bullied because you believe that marriage is between a man and a woman, the National Organization for Marriage (NOM) is offering you an opportunity to gather with thousands of like-minded people in the second annual March for Marriage to take place on June 19 in Washington, DC or in your own hometown.

NOM president Brian S. Brown writes: " . . .(T)he essential purpose behind the March for Marriage is to send a clear and vital message to marriage advocates nationwide, and particularly to the many young people around our nation who may sometimes feel rather alone in holding on to the values of marriage and family passed down to them in their upbringing. That message is: Countless millions of your fellow citizens share your values! Take heart and stand with them!"

The march is scheduled to begin at 10:30 a.m. and will end up at the U.S. Supreme Court by  2:00 p.m. Speakers for the day include Archbishop Salvatore Cordileone, Chairman, United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) Subcommittee for the Promotion and Defense of Marriage; Brian S. Brown, NOM president; and Rev. Ruben Diaz, New York Senator (D-Bronx) and Minister, President of the New York Hispanic Clergy Organization.

The ongoing vilification of traditional marriage supporters in today's society makes this year's March even more important for sending a clear message to both the government and those activist groups who are intent on intimidating anyone who does not support marriage alternatives that we will not be bullied into silence!

" . . . (P)ro-marriage voters have been relegated to second-class citizenship status behind a privileged and protected class of bullies," Brown writes. "Insult has been added to the injury: not only have they been told to shut up and get out of the way, but they've been called names while being shoved to the sidelines — they've been called bigots and haters and worse.

"Bakers, photographers, florists, and others have been dragged into court and told that sacrificing their beliefs and betraying their consciences is 'the price of citizenship.' Kids in schools have had to hear their parents' values insulted and smeared by intolerant ideologues, and have been sent to the principal's office for exercising their rights of free speech. Military chaplains have seen a culture of intimidation and fear built up around their office, and the attention they pay to the men and women they serve has been divided by the need to watch over their shoulder for the lurking P.C. police."

If you are against this kind of treatment, now is the time to take to the streets and let your voice be heard.

But there are other ways to participate as well. A Virtual March will also be held that will enable people who can't travel to Washington to take part in the day's festivities.

Specifically, Virtual Marchers are being encourage to hold rallies in their own communities, to write letters to the editor of local papers about both marriage and the March to ensure more balanced coverage of this issue, to engage in social media throughout the day in defense of marriage, and to visit a local lawmaker to express their concerns about marriage.

People interested in becoming a Virtual Marcher can contact the March website for "how-to" packets and other items to help in the organization of local events.

Click here for more information!

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