Great question! Because of the infiltration of the occult and New Age into so much of our culture and media these days, we receive a substantial number of requests for advice on this subject.
Here are a few of the places I go to when looking for solid advice on books and other media forms from a Christian point-of-view.
Probably the best site I have found for researching books as well as movies, video games and TV shows from a Christian perspective is Plugged In, which is a part of the Focus on the Family ministry.
Another source is Good Books for Catholic Kids which has a variety of reviews on books.
Christian Children's Book Review is another good site for reviews.
Reedeemed Reader is worth checking out for books for all ages.
Christian Parent Reviews offers book reviews by parents with synopsis of the material
As for TV & Movie reviews, the best publication around is Dr. Ted Baehr's Movieguide.
I also regularly visit the Parents Television Council site for TV viewing guides, reviews and other media research reports that are generated by this exceptional organization.
Happy hunting!
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