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Gov. Sarah Palin Speaks Candidly About Her Beliefs

By Susan Brinkmann, OCDS Staff Writer   During an interview last week with the founder of Focus on the Family’s Dr. James Dobson, vice presidential candidate Governor Sarah Palin spoke about how her Christian faith guides her personal and public life. According to a report by, Gov. Palin described the role of Christianity in her life as “my foundation.” When asked to explain how she discerned God’s will in the birth of her son, Trig, who was diagnosed early in the pregnancy with Down syndrome, she explained: "I was about 13 weeks along when I found out that Trig would be born with Downs Syndrome. To be honest with you, it scared me though, and I knew it would be a challenge and I had to really be on my knees for the entire rest of the pregnancy asking that God would prepare my heart. And just the second he was born it was absolute confirmation that that prayer was answered." After describing herself as a “hard core pro-lifer,” she said the birth of Trig was an “opportunity for me to really be walking the walk and not just talking the talk.” She added:  “I feel so privileged and blessed to have been, I guess, chosen to have Trig enter our lives because I do want it to help us in our cause here in allowing America to be a more welcoming nation for all of our children." While discussing the Republican platform on life issues, which Dobson believes is a stronger pro-life, pro-family document than Ronald Reagan’s, she said: "This is a strong platform [built] around the planks in this platform that respect life and respect the entrepreneurial spirit of this great country and those things, back to the social issues that are what Republicans, at least in the past, had articulated and tried to stand on. They're there, they're solid, we stand on them and again I believe that it is the right agenda for the country at this time." When asked if she thinks Sen. McCain strongly supports and will implement those views if elected president, she said, “I do, from the bottom of my heart.” She went on to say: “I am such a strong believer that McCain believes in those strong planks and we do have good conversations about some of the details too of the different planks and what they represent. It's most important . . . that Americans know that John McCain is solidly there on those solid planks in our platform that build the right agenda for America." Gov. Palin then brought up what she called the "Mainstream Media Filter," meaning the agenda-driven media bias she believe is prevalent in journalism. "You can't pick a fight with those who buy ink by the barrelful,” she said. “This is where my faith becomes even more important to me. I have to have faith that our message will get out to the American people minus the filter of the mainstream media. ... We can't get that message through the mainstream media. ... I have to have that faith that God's going to help us get that message out there." Dr. Dobson asked whether Gov. Palin was discouraged by polls showing the Republicans behind the Democrats. "I am not discouraged at all, even hearing those poll numbers," Gov. Palin replied. "To me, it motivates us, makes us work that much harder and it also strengthens my faith because I'm going to know at the end of the day, putting this in God's hands, that the right thing for America will be done, the end of the day on November 4th. "   © All Rights Reserved, Living His Life Abundantly/Women of Grace.




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