The display is being organized by the Christian Defense Coalition and Students for Life of America to draw attention to the staggering number of babies aborted every day by the nation's largest abortion provider - and the $540 million taxpayer dollars Planned Parenthood receives every year from Congress.
"These 915 crosses will be a powerful visible reminder to the members of Congress of the tragic loss of life every day at Planned Parenthood clinics, and the fact that now is the time to de-fund them and Obamacare," said Rev. Patrick J. Mahoney, Director of the Christian Defense Coalition. "We should give these funds to women's clinics that provide quality health care and embrace human rights and justice for all."
What's even more terrifying is the fact that Planned Parenthood receives so much public funding in spite of the fact that is has $1 billion in assets and makes a yearly profit of $120 million from their abortion business.
As Kristan Hawkins, President of Students for Life of America, points out, Planned Parenthood's assets are about to be greatly enhanced by the new healthcare law which labels pregnancy as a "preventable disease". This designation means all health insurance providers must cover 100 percent of the cost of "potentially abortion-inducing, cancer-causing contraception" in every plan they offer, thus guaranteeing Planned Parenthood hundreds of millions more in new taxpayer funding.
"It's time for Congress to take serious the demands by ordinary citizens to de-fund Planned Parenthood once and for all," Hawkins says. "Taxpayer funds should never be used to promote or perform abortions... and that's what Planned Parenthood is all about."
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