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Japan Suspends Use of Gardasil

gardasilAfter receiving nearly 2,000 adverse event reports, the government of Japan has suspended the use of the controversial Gardasil vaccine in their country.

Judicial Watch is reporting that the move came earlier this month after health officials received an avalanche of adverse event reports, with hundreds of them considered serious.

The vaccine, which is intended to prevent certain strains of cervical cancer caused by the human papillomavirus (HPV), has been linked to thousands of debilitating side effects in the U.S. including Guilliane Barre, lupus, seizures, paralysis, blood clots, brain inflammation, severe fatigue and weakness, heart problems, shortness of breath, chest pains and many more. A total of 18,700 reports, including 82 deaths, have been reported since the drug's introduction in 2006.

Incredibly, the drug has not been withdrawn in the U.S. and the Obama Administration just dedicated $1.2 million to “increase HPV vaccine uptake in low income ethnic minority populations” in Spanish, Cantonese, Mandarin, Armenian and Korean.

On the other hand, Japanese health authorities issued a warning to local governments that the HPV vaccine should not be recommended amid safety concerns.

"The information comes from a report issued this month by a Japanese internist and cardiologist, Dr. Sataro Sato, who reveals that the manufacturers’ own documents indicate the HPV vaccine may induce seizures and/or brain damage. Besides Gardasil, Dr. Sato also reviewed another brand called Cervarix," Judicial Watch is reporting.

Initially, the Japanese government was pushing the vaccine countrywide for girls ages 11 to 14. Officials even went so far as to visit high schools to plug the vaccine and persuade girls to get it. Letters were sent to families in the targeted age group informing them that the expensive vaccine - which costs $600 for three shots - would be offered free for two years.

"But health officials were taken aback with the high number of side effects reported to Japan’s Vaccine Adverse Reactions Review Committee," Judicial Watch reports.

"Parents began calling the country’s health minister and furnishing videos in which girls who had received the HPV vaccine suffered from walking disturbances, body tics and seizures. In other cases many girls injected with the vaccine fell to the floor, injuring their head or face and some fracturing their jaw or teeth."

As a result, health officials in Japan sent formal notifications to local governments telling them that the HPV vaccination should not be recommended until safety concerns are addressed.

Even though U.S. courts awarded nearly $6 million thus far to 49 victims of the Gardasil vaccine, the Centers for Disease Control continues to insist that it is safe for use in girls and boys ranging in age from nine to 26.

Sales of Gardasil are expected to reach $1 billion this year.

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