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Beware of Phony St. Michaels

AC asks: "St Michael is referred to in the new age movement, but I do not know the role that he plays in the new age. I know he is not the same St Michael that we as Catholics request help from, but is a distortion of the truth into a false belief in an angel.. . .

"But his name suggests to those that are introduced to new age as the same angel that stands before God and therefore are drawn in under the lie that whatever he is involved in is safe and good and in accordance with the Holy Church. The 'well it can't be wrong as they believe in St Michael and pray to him' so these practices are okay, is the misconception and I am just trying to figure out who he is to those deep in New Age. Is he seen as a new age god?"

In the New Age, "god" is either the self or an energy force - or a combination of the two.

The St. Michael who is preached by New Agers is an imposter. Believers in the New Age are notoriously inclined to put their own spin on the beliefs of others, often trying to blend them with other religious to create a kind of "hodge-podge" that has ingredients familiar to many and therefore appealing to a wider variety of persons. This is how they lure people into the New Age - and is precisely how they are accomplishing one of the main goals of the movement - the establishment of One World Religion.

New Age angels are always focused on "empowering" people to achieve their highest potential, rid themselves of anxieties and troubles, rake in all kinds of money while being enormously successful, etc.

For instance, a spiritual healer known as Joy Pedersen claims to channel St. Michael and has published books filled with these alleged messages. She claims that in 2004, St. Michael  announced himself to her and told her that she was St. Michael incarnate. Through the use of her "gift" of automatic writing, he began dictating messages to her even though his primary focus with Joy "has been to heal the cause of karma negatively affecting humanity to bring forth peace on Earth."

Ronna Herman Vezane, who calls herself a messenger for Archangel Michael, says her “Wisdom Teachings of Archangel Michael” offer to help people “claim self-mastery” and “attain soul-awareness and God-consciousness.”

Melanie Beckler, who refers to herself as an "author, angelic channel, mystic, nature lover and starseed here to serve in elevating the vibration of the collective consciousness on Earth," refers to St. Michael as "an incredible being of Cosmic Intelligence" and "a highly evolved spiritual being and Master of Christ Light." He can be called upon by anyone "seeking to grow, evolve, raise your vibration and come into alignment with more of the Truth of who you can really be and become as a Divine being incarnate in the physical."

Needless to say, these are all examples of how New Age purveyors of phony St. Michael's distort the truth about angels. This deception manifests in various forms such as angel readers, angel intuitives, angel numbers, etc. which are all part of a growing cottage industry of phony angel guides.

Authentic angels are never at the beck and call of mediums and channelers. They are pure spirits who are at the command of God alone.

As the Catechism teaches: "Christ is the center of the angelic world. They are his angels: 'When the Son of man comes in his glory, and all the angels with him. They belong to him because they were created through and for him: 'for in him all things were created in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or principalities or authorities - all things were created through him and for him.' They belong to him still more because he has made them messengers of his saving plan: 'Are they not all ministering spirits sent forth to serve, for the sake of those who are to obtain salvation?'" (Catechism No. 331)

The good news is that this phony St. Michael is easy to spot, even for people who are only marginally educated in the faith. If any version of St. Michael is coming from a channeler or psychic or any other occult means, he's an imposter.

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