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Workers Fired for Not Attending Scientology Classes

We hosted a webinar in March about the Human Potential Movement which explains how many of today's large group awareness programs being offered in American companies are New Age or based in religions that are not compatible with Christianity. The following story is an excellent example of how this is being done - and what happens to employees who complain!

According to the Daily Mail, Dynamic Medical Services in Miami is forcing its employees to attend Scientology-based classes that involve "screaming at ashtrays or staring at someone for eight hours without moving."

An Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) complaint reveals that employees are being made to spend at least half their work days attending Scientology classes if they want to keep their jobs. When two staffers refused, they were fired.

One of the fired employees, Rommy Sanchez, told the government that the owner of the clinic, Dr. Dennis Nobbe, also required her to undergo "purification" treatment at the Church of Scientology and to undergo an "audit" by connecting her to an "E-meter" which is another Scientology based practiced.

In a statement faxed to ABC News, the company called the allegations "baseless" and said it prides itself on the "diversity of its staff". It promised to "vigorously defend itself" against the allegations.

They're going to need a good lawyer. Malcolm Medley, the EEOC's district director for Miami, told ABC: "When an employer makes an employment decision based on employees' failure to adopt the employer's religious beliefs, it violates federal law. The EEOC will act vigorously to protect the rights of workers who are subjected to religious harassment and coercion in the workplace."

The EEOC went on to call the Dr. Nobbe's actions "shameful" and said it will act to protect "employees' freedom from religious coercion at the workplace."

The government is seeking back pay for Sanchez and Norma Rodriquez, the other fired employee, as well as punitive damages for all of the named claimants in the case who were "subjected to a hostile work environment and disparate treatment."

They are also seeking a court order to stop the company from forcing employees to engage in courses involving religious practices.

I have heard of many "employee enrichment" programs being offered at corporations that are hosted by New Age inspirational speakers who use meditation techniques and other practices gleaned from pantheistic religions as part of their presentation. Some also use trance-induction and other mind-control techniques that can be psychologically harmful, particularly to people who are in a fragile mental state. As an employee you have rights! Click here to read more about them.






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