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Stay Away from Occult Psychologists!

JB asks: "My friend found out her psychologist is into the occult and is encouraging her to be ordained a priest in her religion. The psychologist says my friend will be able to consecrate the Eucharist. My friend (Catholic) wants nothing to do with her religion but wonders if she should still see her. The psychologist is her only support right now and is very kind. Is it ok for her to continue?"

Your friend should absolutely stop seeing this psychologist, regardless of how kind she is or how much emotional support she is lending your friend. People who dabble in the occult routinely call upon demonic powers in order to effect their desires (even though most don't believe they're demons but like to call them "spirit guides" or "ascended masters" or "souls of the dead"), be it through ouija boards, seances, clairvoyance, etc. Contact with these powers leads to demonic infestations, oppression (the most common result of frequent recourse to divination) and even possession.

Even worse, frequently dabbling in the occult increases the frequency and intensity of a demon's activity as more and more of one's spiritual defenses are broken down.

God only knows how this psychologist is incorporating her occultism, and/or the knowledge she's gained from these dark powers, into her practice. For that matter, what powers might she be employing on your friend without her knowledge? How much is she inviting these hidden forces into her practice? Does she ask these "spirit guides" to help her analyze patients?

Carl Jung (1875-1961)

Something few people know is that Carl Jung, the famous Swiss psychiatrist and founder of analytical psychology, was heavily involved in the occult. In The Jung Cult (1994), clinical psychologist Richard Noll documents Jung’s immersion in the paganism and occultism of German culture near the turn of the last century. Jung totally rejected Christianity and our view that God transcends the creation. Instead, he embraced pantheism and its "god within."

Jung also claimed to have contacted various spirit entities through his process of “active imagination,” or directed visualization. One of these entities was named Philemon, who he described as "a force which is not myself."  Noll writes that Philemon became Jung's "spirit guide" who helped shape the whole pattern of his theoretical work.

Noll also reports that in 1913, Jung claimed to have become a god through an extended visualization exercise involving initiation rituals of ancient mystery religions such as Mithraism. Noll comments that it “is clear that Jung believed he had undergone a direct initiation into the ancient Hellenistic mysteries and had even experienced deification in doing so.”

Your friend's psychologist may indeed be following in Jung's footsteps.

This is the main danger that I see in the situation JB describes, not so much the talk about becoming a priest who can consecrate the Eucharist, which is just plain nonsense.

However, unless this friend wants her situation to become decidedly worse, which it always does whenever demons are involved, I would tell her to disassociate herself immediately from this woman, throw away anything she might have received from her (books, pamphlets, etc.) and cease engaging in any practices other she may have been taught by this woman.

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