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The Phiten Necklace Scam

SMB asks:  "Do Phiten necklaces do all they claim?"

In short, no. Allow me to quote from the class action lawsuit filed against the manufacturer of this pseudo-science:

"Phiten necklaces and bracelets claim to improve the user’s balance of energy, which can help relieve discomfort, counteract fatigue and speed recovery. However, a Phiten class action lawsuit accuses the company of using false and misleading marketing and advertising materials to promote their products. Furthermore, many scientists and doctors say there is no scientific evidence supporting Phiten’s claims."

Phiten, a Japanese company with branches in the U.S., UK, China, Korea, France and Germany, claims their necklaces and bracelets are infused with titanium and work to stabilize the electric flow that nerves use to relay actions to the body. The company's website claims that "all Phiten products incorporate a novel form of technology that involves metals broken down into nanoscopic particles dispersed in water. This process underlines the technologies of a variety of unique materials we possess." They claim their products improve the rate of recovery from fatigue and muscle strain, enhance athletic performance and prevent injury.

One of their products is a twisted rope necklace that is a favorite of many pro baseball players and athletes.

According to ScienceLine, Phiten is the brainchild of Yoshihiro Hirata, an alternative medicine practitioner. He founded the company in 1982 where his necklaces first gained popularity among Japanese athletes. From there, the company spread to other countries.

“There’s no science and physiology,” said Dr. Orrin Sherman, chief of sports medicine at the New York University Hospital for Joint Diseases. “There’s just no way the chemical structure of the body can be influenced by magnets that small. It’s all superstitions with no scientific basis.”

If magnets that small could work, as Phiten claims they can, why don't people who are exposed to much more powerful magnets such as those used in MRIs report these effects?

The answer is simple - because there are no effects to be felt from Phiten necklaces, which could explain why the company's site includes no mention of scientific scrutiny, only user testimonials.

The bottom line is this - just because professional athletes are wearing it doesn't mean it works. It just means that professional athletes are being duped along with everyone else who invests in one of these gizmos.

The good news is that those who fell for this pitch have some recourse. Click here to see if you can get your money back.

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