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New Poll Says the War-on-Women is in Trouble

According to a new report on what issues matter most to women who intend to vote this November, politicians who are waging the so-called war-on-women with the hopes of winning their votes this November are seriously out-of-touch with both the women most likely to vote, and what they're the most concerned about.

The Christian Post is reporting on the final report in a four-part series on "Christian Women Today" which was compiled by the Barna Group. Their research says that churchgoing Christian women are not only the most likely to vote this November, this demographic group outpaces all others. A total of 79 percent of these women say they "definitely plan to vote" this fall compared to only 76 percent of churchgoing men, 60 percent of non-churchgoing men, and 52 percent of non-churchgoing women.

This means that 30 percent of all voters in the upcoming election will be churchgoing Christian women.

"Representing such a high percentage of the population and with such a strong likelihood to vote, Christian women are a particularly important group for politicians and pundits to pay attention to this fall," the study says.

These numbers do not bode well for politicians who are waging the contrived war-on-women with the hopes of winning the woman vote because the demographic most concerned about free access to birth control and abortion services tend to be single women.

Churchgoing Christian women have a whole different set of concerns.

For instance, the Christian women surveyed for the study ranked their most important issues as health care (75%), taxes (62%), employment (58%) above everything else. Issues such as gay marriage and abortion services were at the bottom of the list, ranked at 31 and 29 percent respectively. Environmental policy was dead last at 25 percent.

"During harder economic times, moral issues are less of a priority than the pressure of finances, jobs and survival," David Kinnaman, president of Barna Group, said in a statement in the study. "Though it has never been accurate that Christian voters only care about two issues – abortion and gay marriage – the influence of issues typically associated with the 'Christian right' may be more diffused than in previous contests."

The women most likely to vote this November do not appear to be falling for the war-on-women, or other wedge issues. For instance, only 27 percent said a candidate's faith is most important, but 72 percent say his stance on the issues is upmost on their list, as well as their character (52 percent).

The majority of Christian women (53 percent) surveyed said they support Republican Presidential Candidate Mitt Romney, although they are more likely to consider voting for Obama than are Christian men.

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