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Tomorrow is Chick-fil-A Day!

The fallout from Chick-fil-A president Dan Cathy's comments in support of "the biblical definition of the family unit" is a mixed bag with gay activists calling for boycotts of the popular fast food chain and supporters announcing this Wednesday as Chick-fil-A day for people who wish to show their support for the firm's Christian values.

Numerous news outlets are reporting on comments made by Chick-Fil-A president Dan Cathy last week in which he told a Baptist website that his company believes in the "biblical definition of the family unit."

“We know that it might not be popular with everyone, but thank the Lord, we live in a country where we can share our values and operate on biblical principles,” Cathy told the Baptist Press.

He added: “We are a family-owned business, a family-led business and we are married to our first wives.”

The comment went viral on the Internet, drawing out the usual accusations from gay activists accusing Cathy and his chain of "promoting hate" even though the restaurants prevents no one from eating there.

“Until your company’s values reflect the freedoms and dignities that all American citizens are due, we will no longer eat at Chick-fil-A!” says a petition drive launched by The Trevor Project, an LGBT suicide-prevention organization.

The site accuses the restaurants of promoting hate by donating to various Christian organizations such as Focus on the Family and Exodus International.

Even some politicians are jumping on board, with Boston Mayor Thomas Menino telling the Boston Herald that he intends to block the opening of any Chick-fil-A restaurant in his city. “You can’t have a business in the city of Boston that discriminates against a population,” Menino said.

However, not all of them are condemning the chain. Representative Joe Pitts (R-PA), cheered the chain, saying that “in America, you can be religious and also run a business according to your conscience.”

"I commend Chick-fil-A for running a family-oriented business model for over 65 years,” he wrote in a blog post for the Family Research Council. “I also commend their president for exalting the traditional family structure, as our country has since its inception. We are free to express our beliefs in this country.”

Not that Chick-Fil-A's Christian business model has been a secret. In fact, the Atlanta-based chain, founded by S. Truett Cathy, has always been closed on Sundays to allow the owner to attend church and spend time with his family.

While these values are becoming increasingly abhorrent in our secular society, the numbers speaking up in favor of Chick-fil-A seem to be keeping pace with those who are against them.

Perhaps the biggest boost for Cathy came last week when popular radio and TV host Mike Huckabee called on his listeners to support the principled stand of the Cathy family by making this coming Wednesday (July 25th) "National Eat at Chick-fil-A Day."

Embracing Huckabee's call, National Organization for Marriage president Brian S. Brown sent out an e-mail blast calling for all supporters of traditional marriage to eat lunch or dinner at a local Chick-fil-A on Wednesday.

"Imagine if folks all across the country united together in support of heroes like Dan and Truett Cathy that stand for strengthening marriage and family!" Brown writes. "Imagine how clearly that message would be heard across the nation if Chick-Fil-A reported record sales this Wednesday!"

Click here to find a Chick-Fil-A restaurant near you.

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