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Shocking Jaffee Memo Spells Out Planned Parenthood's True Agenda

A former employee of Planned Parenthood has exposed a 1969 memo entitled "Examples of Proposed Measures to Reduce U.S. Fertility" written by a Vice President of the abortion giant that calls for restructuring the family by delaying marriage and encouraging homosexuality, putting "fertility control agents" in the water supply, making birth control and abortion for out-of-wedlock births compulsory, and drastically reducing a variety of maternity and child-care benefits.

Abby Johnson, author of Unplanned and a former employee of Planned Parenthood, exposed what is known as the "Jaffe Memo" which was authored by Frederick S. Jaffe, Vice President of Planned Parenthood - World Population, on March 11, 1969, in a recent article appearing on LifeNews. The secret memo contains a long list of draconian population control measures the organization wanted to see implemented in the U.S.

Johnson decided to expose the memo after calling nearly two dozen health insurance companies and learning that none of them offered maternity coverage.

"I called 18 health insurance companies, including insurance firms," Johnson wrote. "I was told this - when Obama enacted his health care reform, he mandated that maternity coverage not be available to any private insurance company. All 18 companies said the exact same thing.  It almost seems like he is trying to discourage pregnancy."

This is what made her think of the Jaffe Memo. "When I worked at Planned Parenthood, there was something that we were not allowed to talk about. If we didn't talk about it, then maybe no one else would either. It was called the Jaffe Memo. In 1969, Planned Parenthood was asked by the government to produce some ideas to help with overpopulation. They did just that. What is in the memo as a solution to overpopulation is astonishing. And, I'm sorry to say, it looks like the Jaffe Memo is starting to show its face in our culture."

Everyone should read the Jaffe Memo, she says, and they will quickly see that some of the recommendations made in the memo have begun to happen under Obama's reign.

For instance, John Holdren, the president's Science Czar, advocated spiking the nation's water supply with birth control or sterilization drugs in a book he authored in 1977.

The current administration has also been the most aggressive in history in the promotion of homosexuality, and in making abortion and birth control available on demand.

This, coupled with the knowledge that Cecile Richards, current President of Planned Parenthood, is a frequent visitor to the White House, is even more reason to be concerned about the just how anti-family this administration plans to get.

"Scary, isn't it?" Johnson asks. "What is scarier is that some of these things are happening…and they have begun to happen under Obama's reign. Reduce/eliminate paid maternity leave or benefits. Sound familiar?"

But this isn't something that was written 40 years ago and forgotten about.

"Don't be naïve," she warns. "This memo is still Planned Parenthood's ultimate desire. Abortion and contraceptives on demand - that is their goal. They will do anything to make it happen,including coercion, breaking the law, underhanded deals, and dirty politics."

She is encouraging everyone to spread the word about the Jaffe memo. "Show people what Planned Parenthood is really about. Don't be silent! Get the word out. Go pray at a clinic. Reach out to abortion clinic workers. Only vote for candidates that clearly state they will remove funding from Planned Parenthood. This memo is real and it is really happening in our country. This is not just a fight we have on our hands. It is a war. Let's put on our armor. Truth still matters."

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Photo is of President Barack Obama with Planned Parenthood president Cecile Richards




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