Women of Grace®members who participated in a prayerful protest to prevent a satanic display from being erected in a public park in Florida are overjoyed to report that the display will NOT be erected this year!
According to the American Society for the Defense of Tradition, Family and Property (TFP), a middle school teacher in Boca Raton, Florida has been erecting a satanic display alongside Nativity and other holiday scenes in the town’s Sanborn Square. Consisting of an inverted pentagram, the display is also inscribed with appalling slogans, such as “May the Children Hail Satan.”
The school teacher told the media that he had every intention of bringing the display back to the park this year, which triggered a massive campaign of prayer and protest throughout the area. TFP’s Return to Order campaign collected over 50,000 signatures asking that the permit be denied; however, city officials lacked the legal resources to fight the display and were resigned to allowing it.
As a result, a protest was planned for December 1 on the site where the display was to be erected on that day. More than 200 Catholics showed up to implore Our Lady’s intercession by praying the Rosary to prevent the erection of the display.
Women of Grace®member Mary Ann Wheeler was there that day along with several priests and a statue of Our Lady of Fatima. She heard that one of the priests had circled the property, blessing it with Holy Water and Salt, and also buried a medal of St. Pio and St. Benedict on the site.
“I do not know all the facts surrounding the legal part of this protest, but people from many Catholic and Christian churches did go to the City Hall to try to get permission to put up the nativity and block the satanic display which was up all last year through the Christmas Advent season,” Mary Ann said.
But heaven had other plans for this year’s display. As it turns out, the school teacher’s mother became ill and he had to leave the state in order to attend to her. As a result, he missed the permit deadline and was unable to erect the monument!
“The grace of God applied all of the prayers from this Rosary Protest along with other citywide prayers to block that awful, disgraceful satanic display this year!” Mary Ann said.
Should he attempt to erect the display again next year, these stalwart Christians will be ready for battle once again.
“I’ve lived in this city for 36 years,” said Tricia Boylan, a Women of Grace® study attendee. “I’ve lived in Florida all my life and I’m just appalled that these types of things are happening. I wanted to do something that would really be the answer to the problem and I believe in the Blessed Virgin Mary and her power to stomp on that devil. I just wanted to go, to do something.”
The day turned out to be beautiful, she said. “People were driving by honking their horns. I didn’t see any protesters.”
The Boca Raton victory comes after a similar triumph on November 4 when the National Park Service in Washington DC announced that they had denied a permit for the erection of towering sculpture of a nude woman on the National Mall. TFP and its legions of prayerful Catholics had been praying for months to stop the exhibit and were overjoyed at the news.
“These successes show that protests do work. Satan can be kicked out of town if people let their voices be heard,” TFP reports.
And Women of Grace® is a part of those efforts to not only form women to assume their role as daughters of God in this hurting world, but to give them the confidence and leadership skills they need to put their feminine genius to work for the good of mankind.
“I believe all will be well now,” Tricia said. “We have faith in trust in her. You have to have this! You make your supplication and petition the Blessed Virgin Mary and then you have faith and confidence in God that it will all be taken care of.”
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