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The Blu Room® Blues

                                                                                         Photo by Alexander Jawfox on Unsplash

BL writes: “What can you tell me about these Blu Rooms where people go to improve their health? Are these rooms legit?”

Not by a long shot.

For those who never heard of them, Blu Rooms consist of a mirrored 11’ x 11’ mirrored enclosure that is bathed in blue and UVB light. Patients lay on a table in the middle of the enclosure for 20 minutes while being bathed in blue light, music and “vibrations.” User testimonials claim the sessions offer a faster healing process, greater self-awareness, pain relief, reduced stress and anxiety and overall improved health.

So how does it work?

Proponents claim laying in the light for 20 minutes provides the equivalent of a 10,000 to 30,000 IU oral dose of Vitamin D, which they refer to as the “God-Hormone.”

Also, when one relaxes in the Blu Room, a person may enter the theta brain state which is described as a “slower rate of brainwave that occurs during deep focus or during dream sleep. The theta state can be accompanied by vivid imagery, creative thoughts, insights, and inspiration. Many Blu Room users report experiences similar to the theta state, including temporary loss of awareness of time, a sense of detachment, even mild euphoria.”

In addition, they claim that the room’s octagonal shape has been “geometrically significant throughout history and among other things symbolizes regeneration, totality, infinity, rebirth, and transition.”

Advertising associated with the Blu Room refer to these sessions as “an innovative leap in technology… narrowband UV-B Light, sound therapy, sacred geometry and the individuals intent — all come together to help support the body’s own cellular healing process, spiritual development and accessing your unlimited mind.”

Where did the idea for the Blu Room come from? According to Mike Wright, operations manager for Blu Room Enterprises, the Blu Room is based upon a metaphysical science that is not of this world, but which mirrors a place where the inventor, a channeler known as J.Z. Knight, goes when she leaves her body.

“It provides the participant with a mind/body/spirit consciousness lifting environment that can augment one’s state of creative focus,” Wright stated. “The Blu Room is an atmosphere created by the entire structure that reproduces a portion of the Ultraviolet Realm that JZ Knight, the inventor, experiences when she leaves her body and goes beyond the Light Realm.”

For those who are not yet convinced that Blu Rooms are nothing more than pseudoscience, consider the inventors of this gimmick.

J.Z. Knight, who refers to herself as the Great American Channel, claims to be channeling a 25,000 year-old Lemurian warrior named Ramtha who first appeared to her in the kitchen of her mobile home in Tacoma, Washington in 1977. Ramtha claimed to have ascended into heaven much like Jesus, but promised to come back, which he did when he appeared to Knight and began to impart his wisdom to the world through her.

His wisdom consists of the typical New Age drivel about how we’re all divine and are just cut off from our god-like natures. Thanks to Ramtha’s special techniques, we can learn how to reprogram our brain chemistry to unlock the connection to our inherent greatness and allow us to realize unlimited creativity – all of which amounts to just another form of Gnosticism. Knight eventually opened the Ramtha School of Enlightenment in 1988 which currently teaches thousands of students world-wide but has been involved in numerous controversies including this rather vicious anti-Catholic rant in which she threatens: “We will come on you in a terror. We will bring… St. Peter’s temple down and we will swallow it in the sea.”

Her own ex-husband characterized Ramtha’s teachings as a farce and a money-making business. Her school has also been referred to as a “cult” and she has been sued by former students.

Her co-developer in this escapade is a physician and chiropractor named Dr. Matthew Martinez who manages Blu Room Enterprises. He is allegedly known for his “compassion, his intuitive ability to navigate complex health challenges, and his deep desire to explore the healing potential in everyone.”

According to the Seattle Times, he got himself in trouble in 2020 with the FTC for claiming that Blu Rooms have the potential of healing COVID. In June 2016, he surrendered his chiropractor’s license after allegations by the Washington State Department of Health of sexual involvement with a patient and for telling another patient that his multiple sclerosis could be cured by drinking breast milk. He was fined in 2013 after being accused of improperly charging a client’s insurance and misrepresenting his status as a licensed massage practitioner in the state.

As preposterous as they are, Blu Rooms are popping up all over the country – near Seattle, St. Louis, Washington DC, Phoenix, and Oregon.

After reviewing the Blu Room’s medical claims, .Dr. Harriet Hall, MD, came to the conclusion that the Blu Room experience “may be very impressive to naïve, gullible patients, but the testimonials are subjective and easily explained by placebo responses. No objective evidence is offered.”

She also warns that these treatments are not cheap (approximately $60 a session – with recommendations requiring up to 9 sessions for optimal effect ) and they now offer a Blu Pod for home use that costs thousands of dollars.

“There are many less expensive ways to get placebo effects," she writes. "On the other hand, if ‘laughter is the best medicine’, there is plenty to laugh at here.”

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