
Blog Posts

My Immaculate Heart will triumph

May 25
“In the end, my Immaculate Heart will triumph.”
– Our Lady of Fatima to the children at Fatima
Today’s Reflection
How does Our Lady’s promise to the children at Fatima make you feel about the times in which we live? How will you continue in your relationship with Mary throughout your life?

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Storehouse of blessings

May 24
“The Holy Rosary is the storehouse of countless blessings.“
-Our Lady to Blessed Alan de la Roche
Today’s Reflection
What blessings have unfolded in my life due to my adherence to the Rosary?

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Mary, our great intercessor

May 23
“Mary is our great intercessor with the Lord, and interceding with her through the Rosary can be an especially uplifting and fruitful way to pray for
those we love.”
–Vinny Flynn
Today’s Reflection
Whom am I called to pray for today?

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Ground to dust

May 22
“I would like to be ground to dust for the Immaculate Virgin and have the dust be blown away by the wind all over the world.”
–St. Maximilian Kolbe
Today’s Reflection
How can I, like St. Maximilian Kolbe, allow myself to be dust that’s blown all over my piece of the world?

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Behave like a soldier

May 21
 “Each time that my enemy would provoke me to combat, I behave as
a gallant soldier.”
– St. Thérèse of Lisieux
Today’s Reflection
How do you behave as a gallant soldier when the enemy provokes you?

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The secret of the Rosary

May 20

“Without a doubt, the Church’s most popular and beloved expression of Marian devotion is the Rosary. It’s my favorite expression too. Love engendering love-that’s the secret of the Rosary.”

– Dr. Scott Hahn


Today’s Reflection

How does the Rosary engender love in my own life?

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The eyes of Christ

May 18

“When we gaze into the eyes of Christ with the eyes of our heart, we begin to see things as they truly are. Under His gaze of love our prayer begins to resonate with the will of the Father."

–Dr. Anthony Lilles


Today’s Reflection

How can I gaze more deeply into the eyes of Christ?

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Path of contemplation

May 17
“The Rosary should always be seen and experienced as a path of contemplation.”
–Rosarium Virginis Mariae, 38
Today’s Reflection
In what ways is the Rosary a path of contemplation?

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Hail Mary


“How I love to pray, ‘Hail Mary, Full of Grace…'”

-Mike Aquilina on his mother’s devotion to the Rosary


Today’s Reflection

How can our devotion to the Rosary increase as our love for our Blessed Mother increases?

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Praying hands

“Throughout the years of mothering my brood of five, I often resorted to my ten fingertips to count my Hail Marys when the task I was immersed in did not allow for holding the beads.”
– Donna Marie Cooper O’Boyle
Today’s Reflection
How simple it is to say the Rosary, as all it takes is a hand of ten fingers! How can I incorporate this simple, yet profound prayer, into my daily life?

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