
Blog Posts

Nesting near the tabernacle: lessons from the sparrow


This spring saw our backyard filled with new life: families of quail scurrying across the grass, baby doves peeking out from the eaves of our patio, and a special surprise: a little killdeer mother, nesting on the ground in a shallow depression in the gravel out near the children's basketball hoop. They were the first to find her, running in breathless one day to report that we had a new tenant. Sure enough, there she sat, seeming both a bit smug and suspicious on her small speckled eggs. My heart sank a bit, worried about her safety so near the children's play area. Her curious choice of a nest was instinctive, I had recently learned. Only weeks before, another killdeer had made a nest recently on our neighbors property - in the rocks right next to their busy driveway. My neighbor, concerned, had researched the birds and told me about these indignant little mothers. We were both amazed at their unusual habits. They always nest on the ground, sometimes taking turns on the eggs with the father. So slight an indentation do they make on the desert ground, and so like stones are the eggs, that they blend into gravel perfectly. It's good camouflage, but still...this one had no idea what she was in for.

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Lenten Exercises For You And Your Spouse

186123375Imagine you and your spouse driving down an open road and all you see out the window is an endless body of water, along with a beautiful beach and captivating sunset. What is your first thought? Is it the beauty of God’s creation? Is it the thought of how the water came to be? Does your husband want to go fishing? Or do you wish you could lie down and relax on the beach? Regardless of what your thoughts or desires may be, God created that image, even if it was a manmade body of water. He created the water, he created the sand, and he has complete control over the sunset. He may have even put those desires on your heart: the desire to relax and rejuvenate what may have been lost amidst the busyness of your schedule.

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Five Benefits of Marrying Within Your Faith

Couple reading BibleEver since I was a little girl, I always dreamed of marrying the man of my dreams. I imagined being romanced by an amazing young man, and we would live happily ever after. This is the simplicity of a young girl with high, long-awaited hopes of marrying her knight in shining armor.

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Pope Says Legal Divorce “Demolishing the Family”

By Susan Brinkmann, OCDS Staff Writer  A day before making an impassioned plea for families at the shrine of the Infant of Prague in Czechoslovakia, the Pope discussed the modern crisis of divorce, saying legal divorce seemed “bent on demolishing” the family.

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Taxpayer Supported Pro-Abortion Group Praises Demise of Family

By Susan Brinkmann, OCDS Staff Writer A representative of one of the group’s that will now receive taxpayer money from U.S. citizens to fund overseas abortions has publicly stated that the breakdown of traditional families is not a crisis but a “triumph for human rights.”

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Pope Encourages Family Life

By Susan Brinkmann, OCDS Staff Writer In his video address to participants at the Sixth World Meeting of Families in Mexico City, Pope Benedict XVI said families must become “a living Gospel which everyone may read” and called upon Christians everywhere to work for “adequate cultural, juridical, economic, social and health protection for families,” and support for freedom of choice in the schooling of their children.

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