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Survey: Americans Didn’t Vote for Radical Social Policies

Even though many voters opted to cede control of the U.S. House of Representatives to a party that champions liberal social policy, a survey of Tuesday’s voters found that most of them hold much more conservative views on key social issues than the people who are about to assume office.

The Family Research Council commissioned a survey of 1,000 Americans to determine what motivated them to give control of the House to the Democratic party. While some said it was frustration with GOP leaders or because they were at odds with Donald Trump, exit polling showed that it definitely was not because they endorsed radical social policies.

For example, when they were asked if they approved or disapproved of “government forcing schools, businesses, and nonprofit organizations opening showers, changing facilities, locker rooms, and bathrooms designated for women and girls to biological males and vice versa,” 60 percent said they disapproved.

A majority of those polled also disapproved of the government redefining sex to include “gender identity.” When asked if they wanted to “allow individuals who identify as transgender to get a special legal status related to employment law, federally-funded health care benefits, and the use of bathrooms and showers of the opposite sex,” 54 percent said no. Only 27 percent approved!

This is significant because one of the top 10 priorities of the new Congress is The Equality Act, which the FRC describes as “the most radical piece of LGBT legislation ever introduced.” This means that the new Congress will be spending much of its time debating an issue the majority of Americans do not approve of, thus sparking another divisive culture war among the population.

“But perhaps the most powerful support came on an issue where President Trump stands tallest: religious liberty. A whopping 70 percent of respondents agreed that the government ‘should leave people free to follow their beliefs about marriage between one man and one woman’ -- not just in how they live their lives but in how they run their businesses,” the FRC reports.

Stories of innocent Christian business owners, such as Jack Phillips, Aaron and Melissa Klein, and Barronelle Stuzman, who were punished to the point of losing their livelihood simply because they hold a Biblical view of marriage, are abhorrent to the vast majority of Americans, including many same-sex couples!

The bottom line of the survey is this – progressives in Congress have not been given a mandate to push a fanatical social agenda. And if they attempt to do so, it will not bode well for them in 2020.

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