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Petition Drive Aims to Stop Obama's Massive New Abortion Giveaway

By Susan Brinkmann, OCDS Staff Journalist A major pro-life organization has launched a petition drive aimed at convincing members of Congress to block a bill pending in the U.S. House that will grant $715 million to international family planning agencies to fund abortion, sterilization and oral contraception. According to the Population Research Institute (PRI), their petition drive is aimed at the “Global and Sexual Reproductive Health Act of 2010,” which will provide a variety of "population control nightmares" such as: • Provide global sex “education” — and abortion — to children as young as ten! • Train and equip new abortion “doctors” throughout the world • Establish world-wide abortion referral services • Remove any remaining restrictions that came from the Helms Amendment, the 1973 legislation outlawing U.S. funding of abortion as a means of family planning Rep. Yvette Clarke (D-NY) the sponsor of the bill, says the legislation seeks to "strengthen and expand the U.S. government’s current program on international family planning and reproductive health into a more comprehensive sexual and reproductive health program."  She goes on to say that providing contraceptives to the 215 million women in developing countries who are not able to access modern contraceptive methods will "avert"  53 million unintended pregnancies; 150,000 women from dying of pregnancy-related complications; 600,000 children from losing their mothers, and 25 million induced abortions each year. In order to do all this, the PRI says the U.S. taxpayer will end up funding "a mind-boggling number of abortions, sterilizations, IUDs, MVAs, oral contraceptives, condoms and more.” They go on to warn: "If this legislation passes, it will be the biggest single U.S. abortion giveaway in the entire history of American abortion funding. This is why the bill must be defeated." The PRI believes the time is right for a defeat of the bill. "Even though pro-lifers don’t have control of the House or Senate, pro-abortion legislators are scared of losing their lucrative Congressional jobs this November. They’re justifiably afraid not only of pro-lifers, but all voters who are furious at government spending." They believe nervous members of Congress will pay attention to their petition asking Congress to "Stop Obama's Massive New Abortion Giveaway", which they hope will ultimately be signed by 100,000 people. “Our petition effort against the bill is your way to fight this,” the PRI says. “Let’s send a clear message to those who represent us that we want the U.S. out of this miserable business.” Click here to sign the petition. © All Rights Reserved, Living His Life Abundantly®/Women of Grace®




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