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Pediatricians Warn Schools about Dangers of “Pro-Gay” Policies

By Susan Brinkmann, OCDS Staff Journalist The prestigious American College of Pediatricians (ACOP) has sent a letter to the superintendents of more than 14,000 U.S. school districts warning them about how a pro-homosexuality approach could disrupt the natural uncertainty about sexuality in youth who may be experiencing same-sex attraction or gender identity confusion. “We are increasingly concerned . . . that in many cases efforts to help students who exhibit same-sex attractions and/or gender confusion are based on incomplete or inaccurate information,” writes Thomas Benton, MD, which may do more harm than good to students. To correct the problem, Dr. Benton is offering a new Web resource to parents and educators, which provides more factual information about how to approach students experiencing any kind of sexual orientation or gender identity confusion. The letter goes on to cite the three major conclusions reached in a recent landmark analysis of 125 years of scientific studies dealing with homosexuality. “This report, What Research Shows, draws three major conclusions: (1) individuals with unwanted same sex attraction often can be successfully treated; (2) there is no undue risk to patients from embarking on such therapy and (3), as a group, homosexuals experience significantly higher levels of mental and physical health problems compared to heterosexuals." It goes on to say that rigorous studies have demonstrated that most adolescents who initially experience same-sex attraction, or are sexually confused, no longer experience such attractions by age 25. “In one study, as many as 26 percent of 12-year-olds reported being uncertain of their sexual orientation1, yet only 2-3 percent of adults actually identify themselves as homosexual. Therefore, the majority of sexually-questioning youth ultimately adopt a heterosexual identity.” Approaches that encourage children to “come out” or to adopt the behaviors of the opposite gender can be damaging, the doctors warn, because this kind of premature labeling can lead some adolescents to engage in homosexual behaviors that carry serious physical and mental health risks. Even children with Gender Identity Disorder (when a child desires to be the opposite sex) will typically lose this desire by puberty, if the behavior is not reinforced, the letter states.  Research has found that parents or others who encourage a child to behave and be treated as the opposite sex only reinforces the confusion the child is feeling and could result in conditioning the child for a life of unnecessary pain and suffering. “Even when motivated by noble intentions, schools can ironically play a detrimental role if they reinforce this disorder,” the letter states. The new website and accompanying resources for educators and parents is being welcomed by many health professionals who say political correct “pro-homosexuality” programs such as those offered by the gay activist group, GLSEN (Gay, Lesbian and Straight Education Network) have been dominating the nation’s classrooms for too long. Arthur Goldberg, a board certified counselor and expert on assisting individuals with unwanted same-sex attraction, told that, "Unfortunately prior to the American College of Pediatricians' effort to develop the new web site and the factual material they sent to school district superintendents, hundreds of false and misleading books, pamphlets, films, and other materials were absorbed - with our taxpayer dollars - into America's public school systems." Goldberg cited the example of a pamphlet in 2008 by the National Education Association and the American Psychological Association entitled "Just the Facts," which discourages discussion of therapy to change same-sex attraction, and upholds homosexuality as a "normal expression of human sexuality."   "Because the premature gay self-labeling that is encouraged by 'Just the Facts' and other such material presents major public health risks, ACOP, as a medical organization dedicated to best practices in child-rearing, has performed a major public service by making their material available to school administrators, students and their parents," he said. For more information, visit © All Rights Reserved, Living His Life Abundantly®/Women of Grace®




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