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Novena To Stop Same-Sex Marriage In Ireland

Fr. John Hogan Fr. John Hogan

Just 12 days from now, the country of Ireland will vote on the issue of same-sex marriage and the faithful in that nation are pleading with the world – and people of all faiths – to join them in praying that this immorality will not be imposed upon their nation.

A special website has been set up by Fr John Hogan, OCDS, a Secular Discalced Carmelite priest serving in the Diocese of Meath, Ireland who is the founder of the Fraternity of St Genesius, an international association of prayer for those in the arts and media. He also co-hosts the television series Forgotten Heritage on the Eternal Word Television Network.

The purpose of the website is to inform the world’s faithful of this coming crisis in Irish history which will make same-sex marriage equal in every respect to true marriage. It will also place an obligation on the State and government to protect gay marriage.

“The consequences of a yes vote on this will be enormous and will effect freedom of religion and freedom of speech,” Father Hogan writes. “It may also result in the liquidation of Catholic marriage agencies and even our schools. The government has already said that our schools will be forced to defile their Catholic ethos to present same sex marriage as being equal to true marriage. It may be no exaggeration to say that the amendment to the Constitution, if passed, may well be used by some within Irish society to try and instigate a new Penal era here.”

He is asking everyone, everywhere, to join in a novena of prayer beginning on May 13, the feast of Our Lady of Fatima, and continuing to the eve of the polling day, May 21. Father Hogan is asking that people recite the special prayer created for this pivotal moment in his country’s history, and to say it as often as possible.

He is also asking for the faithful to offer a day’s fasting during the novena, and for priests to offer a Mass for this intention.

In addition, “Could I ask you to spread news of this novena far and wide, all around the world?" he asks. "There is no copyright on the prayer and you can print it off, have it printed on cards, published on websites, blogs etc, copied and promoted just as long as it is used to bring more and more people to offer the novena for Ireland.”

Father Hogan suggests that the the faithful include the USA in this prayer as well because we are also facing a crucial Supreme Court ruling on the subject of same-sex marriage next month.

To follow is the prayer:

Novena to the Holy Family For the cause of marriage and the family

Jesus, Mary and Joseph, Holy Family of Nazareth, we bless and venerate you. We commend to your care and protection the cause of marriage and family life.

May the peace which reigned in your home take possession of all hearts and abide in all families. Confirm all men and women in the truth so we may recognize what is good and right and reject all that hinders life and the true flourishing of humanity.

Guide the hearts of all citizens that we may witness to the truth in forming the laws governing our society. Bless those who work for the protection of marriage, family and life.

O Jesus, Mary and Joseph, Holy Family of Nazareth, We entrust our hearts and our lives to you.


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