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New Petition Demands Action in Iraq

Robert P. George Robert P. George

Princeton Professor and longtime human rights advocate Robert P. George launched a petition last week calling on the United States and international community to act immediately and bring an end to the genocide against Christians, Yazidis, and other citizens in Iraq.

Hundreds have already signed the petition, which says that the U.S. and the international community should expand military airstrikes against ISIS/ISIL and do everything necessary to empower local forces fighting to protect the people of Iraq from ISIS/ISIL.

The petition, which is being supported by conservatives, moderates, and independents, states, “no options that are consistent with the principles of just war doctrine should be off the table” and “that the United States’ goal must be more comprehensive than simply clamping a short-term lid on the boiling violence that is threatening so many innocents in ISIS/ISIL’s path.  Nothing short of the destruction of ISIS/ISIL as a fighting force will provide long-term protection of victims.”

The petition continues:

“We call upon President Obama and the Congress of the United States to expand airstrikes against ISIS/ISIL with a view to eroding its military power, and to provide full air support for Kurdish and other forces fighting against ISIS/ISIL.  Further, we endorse the Washington Post’s call for the United States to provide arms, ammunition, and equipment to Kurdish forces, Sunni tribesmen, and others who are currently hampered in their ability to fight ISIS/ISIL by a lack of sophisticated weapons and other resources.  The U.S. should also assist with intelligence. We are hopeful that local forces, with adequate support and assistance from the U.S. and the international community, can defeat ISIS/ISIL.

The expansion of humanitarian aid to the displaced and fleeing is also urgent. Local churches and aid agencies are overwhelmed, and we have grave concerns about how these victims of violent religious persecution will be cared for this winter. The U.S. can and should take the lead in providing food, water, medicine, and other essential supplies.”

“It is imperative that the United States and the international community act immediately and decisively against the attacks by ISIS/ISIL,” said Robert P. George, McCormick Professor of Jurisprudence at Princeton. “ISIS/ISIL has engaged in crimes against humanity by deliberately causing mass starvation and dehydration, and by committing unconscionable acts of barbarism against noncombatants, including defenseless women, children, and elderly persons. We must work to protect the most innocent among us and we must not remain silent during these horrific acts of violence against our brothers and sisters in the Middle East.”

“Life is sacred no matter what age, race, religion, or nationality, and we must not stand by as innocent lives are destroyed,” Professor George continued. “The time to act is now and the United States should take the lead on bringing an end to this genocide and protecting the innocent against the attacks by ISIS/ISIL.”

More than 10,000 people have already signed on. Click here to add your name to this petition.

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