The organization that claims to be fighting for women stooped to a new low last week when it hosted a “Bras and Brews” event in Texas to raise money for cancer research, an event that featured “bra pong” and a chance to meet “your favorite Planned Parenthood Texas Votes cuties.”
Texas Right to Life (TRL) is reporting on the crass event that featured a game called bra pong which consists of tacking bras to a board and then trying to toss ping-pong balls into the cups. It’s a game normally played at hen parties. Not only does this game become exploitive when played in public and in mixed company, it only adds to the irony of an organization that offers women the bare minimum of breast cancer screening while promoting a procedure that is known to increase the risk of the dreaded disease.
“Planned Parenthood does not and never did anything substantive to provide cancer screening services to low-income women,” reports TRL. "Despite the relentless lie about Planned Parenthood’s “services” that women supposedly rely on, Planned Parenthood has never operated a single mammography machine.”
One would think an organization that rakes in a billion dollars a year could afford to increase their cancer screening services for the women they claim to be defending. However, just like they fight every law requiring better safety standards in their clinic, they’re not interested in investing in better women’s health care, just in making money off the exploitation of women in today’s culture which explains why abortion and contraception are their main focus.
It also explains why they fired their last president, Dr. Leana Wen, because she wanted to make their services more comprehensive – and they didn’t.
In an op-ed published in The New York Times, Wen delivered a devastating blow to Planned Parenthood’s myth-making machine when she revealed that what drives the organization behind closed doors is not women’s health, but pro-abortion politics.
“The team that I brought in, experts in public health and health policy, faced daily internal opposition from those who saw my goals as mission creep,” Wen wrote. “There was even more criticism as we worked to change the perception that Planned Parenthood was just a progressive political entity and show that it was first and foremost a mainstream health care organization.”
Planned Parenthood just wasn’t interested.
Which is why their cancer fundraiser which features women’s bras and “your favorite Planned Parenthood Texas Votes cuties” is nothing more than an exploitive farce.
“Cancer prevention is indeed a noble cause, and because cancer claims the lives of so many Americans each year, this is a cause close to the hearts of many. A farcical fundraiser from an organization that profits off children’s deaths and exposes mothers to an increased risk of breast cancer, however, rings hollow.”
This is especially true considering the organization's new “strategic plan” which promises to “super-size” their abortion business and lobby even more vigorously on Capital Hill – at the taxpayer’s expense, of course.
“Make no mistake, Planned Parenthood is not in the business of “getting out the vote” for cancer research funding; they are in the business of largescale abortion and lobbying to make these atrocities legal. Giving money to any Planned Parenthood PAC, whether you play “bra pong” or not, goes directly to pushing the most radical and deadly abortion agenda at every level of government,” the TRL writes.
“The reality is, Breast Cancer Awareness Month is another opportunity for Planned Parenthood to fundraise while continuing to operate as the largest abortion business in the nation, both ending the lives of innocent preborn human beings and subjecting their mothers to increased risk for the very disease they claim to raising money to fight.”
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