Blog Post

Morning of Grace Deepens Faith, Lifts Hearts

by Denise McKane

Every Morning of Grace is another opportunity to have our Lord stretch our hearts ever larger. Our Blessed Mother and her Holy Spouse take us and form us more and more into His little handmaids. “For Such a Time as This” we give Him our “fiats.”

Many of us began our Morning of Grace on the morning of August 3 with Mass and prayed the Novena to Our Lady of Perpetual Help in the chapel of St. Lawrence Church in Tampa, Florida. Afterward, we joined together for a potluck brunch and Sacred Sister fellowship.

The Theme was: Mary is my spiritual mother leading me to fulfill my feminine vocation according to God’s plan. The Grace was: I pray for the grace to receive from Mary, my spiritual mother, the fortitude to accept and fulfill my call and mission from God.

We opened with prayer, singing the Women of Grace theme song and praying a decade of the rosary while pondering:

‘As I go to Mary, my spiritual mother, I ask her to assist me to overcome my fears, lack of charity and help me grow in generosity.’

The Holy Spirit was knitting together a beautiful movement throughout the morning. “Like clay in the hands of the potter, to be molded according to his pleasure, so are men in the hands of their Creator, to be assigned by him their function.” Sirach 33:13

We did a mental exercise to help us recognize what a large sphere of influence each one of us has. Our group of twenty two women came up with a total of two hundred and seventy people that we can influence just in our circle of family and extended family members!

We discussed some simple ways in which we can bring the light of Christ wherever we go and disperse some of the darkness many are experiencing in the world today. “And you, child, will be called prophet of the Most High, for you will go before the Lord to prepare his ways, to give his people knowledge of salvation through the forgiveness of their sins.” Luke: 1: 76-77

Blessing Bags that were given out at Faith Cafe

One of our Women of Grace has been called to minister to those who are struggling in their daily lives: unemployed, homeless, hungry, etc. She loves to give Blessing Bags and assistance to those she meets. She asked us to step out in faith and give Blessing Bags and notes of encouragement to those God puts in our path. Our Morning of Grace participants brought many items that she suggested to make Blessing Bags. She shared how her faith has grown immensely since being called by the Lord to this ministry. She told us how each recipient loves to get a personal note and many are prayed over. “ Whoever receives you receives me, and whoever receives me the one who sent me.” Matthew 10:40

We were all given a note card and we prayed for the Holy Spirit to give us a scripture passage to write in the card that would be specifically for the recipient of the Blessing Bag. We each opened our Bibles and let the Holy Spirit lead us!

The moving of the Spirit continued as each shared the scripture passage they were given to write in the card. (Just a few of these are being shared throughout this article.)

We made over fifty Blessing Bags and had many extra items to go into more. Our God will never be out done in generosity.

Another one of our Women of Grace shared a call she was given by God. After giving her “ fiat” God gave her all she needed to answer His call. She in turn spoke to the heart of another woman at the Morning of Grace to step out in faith to what God is asking her to do. When we give our “yes” God will give us all we need to accomplish what he has asked of us.

“The spirit of the Lord spoke through me; his word was on my tongue.” 2 Samuel 23:2

We ended with prayer and thanksgiving for the blessing of our Sacred Sisters, our Catholic faith, fellowship, Gods generosity to us and to those in need. We prayed over the bags and blessed them with holy water and love to all who would receive them.

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Denise McKane is a regional coordinator for Women of Grace© in Tampa, Florida.





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