It's time to meet the team that makes Women of Grace the impactful apostolate that it is!
Today we're featuring Thea J. Parsons, our Event Coordinator and Production Assistant. We hope you enjoy learning more about Thea from her answers to the questions below. Stay tuned for regular "Meet the Team" features!
1 How long have you been on the Women of Grace team and how did you begin?
"I have been on the Women of Grace team even before the inception of Women of Grace, since 2004! It was an exciting time for Living His Life Abundantly, as this new outreach, Women of Grace began and our mission to women formed! Johnnette (my Mom) offered me a job after the position opened up because a long-time trusted employee was making a career change. I'm sure Mom was just throwing it out there to see if her 23-year-old daughter had any level of interest, but for me, it was a wake-up call that I really needed to put my education to work and get my life started, so I accepted the position."
2 What do you love best about Women of Grace's apostolate?
"The transformation! To see how this apostolate touches lives is so rewarding. To hear the stories our how the study or television program helped someone come to know God better and/or change their lives altogether is amazing! in addition, to know that we are working for the Big Guy is extremely rewarding-it is His work and we simply try to do right by Him."
3 Who is your favorite saint?
"Saint Michael the Arc Angel and Our Blessed Mother are my go to's. I find St. Perpetua very intriguing! St. Charbel prays for super miracles! St. Michael the Archangel is our protector! Padre Pio, need I say more? St. Therese of Lisieux has worked in my own life more than once!"
4 If you could have lunch with Jesus today, what would you want to talk about?
"If I could have lunch with Jesus today, I would want to know how I can better myself. Where are the areas I am too blind to see in myself where healing needs to take place? I would ask Him to show me, so I could be healed and more closely live the will of The Father!"
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