Blog Post

London’s New Demonic Monument to Feminism

feminism statueCommentary by Susan Brinkmann

The latest addition to London’s cityscape is supposed to be a monument to feminism but the overtly satanic image, built on the site of an old gallow, speaks volumes about the true nature of radical feminism.

According to Mundabor’s Blog, the clearly demonic image, dubbed the “She Monster” is supposed to be a “symbol of female strength and a desire to care for the young” but to most onlookers, it’s just plain demonic. The beast looks ready to devour with its fangs bared and the huge tips of its wings honed into giant spears.

It has been installed where London’s famous Tyburn Tree used to stand near London’s Marble Arch. For those who are unfamiliar with this Tree, it was actually a specially crafted gallow from which several criminals could be hung at the same time. What an appropriate spot to place this symbol of the death and destruction caused upon society by militant feminism with its overt hatred of men, family, and the unborn!

“Words fail,” says the anonymous author at Mundabor. “The picture says it all. This, my dear reader, truly is a feminism made statue. Utterly unfeminine, completely threatening, and through and through disquieting. I would call it some pagan cruelty deity, but actually the adjective ‘satanic’ comes automatically to mind.”

Even more coincidental than the statue’s likeness to all things evil, the park where the beast was erected has attracted so many homeless people who are sleeping beneath it that the creator of the statue, Russian artist Dashi Namdakov, is expressing his disappointment at how the vagrants are ruining the site.

“Words fail… again,” Mundabor writes. “One would have thought that the heroic (male) defender of the oppressed female of the world would be proud of having his oh so beautiful work used in such a way by other oppressed of the earth? No solidarity? Tsk, Tsk.”

Mundabor believes Namdakov “looked at his soul for a moment or two, and came out with the idea for the monument.”

The blogger is calling upon the public to start a petition drive to have the “satanical monster” removed.

“It will scare the children. Actually, it will scare the adults, too.”

Father Zuhlsdorf of Fr. Z’s Blog called the statue a “feminist hell dog”.

“The next time I am in London, I think I’ll take some Holy Water if I go anywhere near Marble Arch,” he wrote.

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