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Lady Gaga and the . . . Priest?

gaga with priestCommentary by Susan Brinkmann, OCDS

Yes, you read it right! The infamous Lady Gaga went to Mass last week and was apparently so impressed by the priest’s homily that she posted his praise on her Facebook page.

Writing for Aleteia, Deacon Greg Kandra reports that Father John Duffell of the Church of the Blessed Sacrament in New York City was the recipient of Lady Gaga’s praises for a homily he gave last weekend.

“Thank you Father Duffell for a beautiful homily as always and lunch at my pop’s restaurant. I was so moved today when you said, ‘The Eucharist is not a prize for the perfect but the food God gives us.”

Father John Duffell received a glowing profile from the usually anti-Catholic New York Times a few years ago for the efforts he was making at Ascension of Our Lord parish in Manhattan to stay relevant.

“The church has remained relevant for more than 1,500 parishioners not just by varying music styles, but by adapting to the shifting neighborhood and times,” the Times wrote in 2008. “At a shrine in one corner of the church, there are pictures of Virgin Marys from across the world. A martini night has replaced coffee hour after Sunday evening Mass. There are citizenship and English classes for immigrants, an active lay leadership and welcoming messages to gays and lesbians.”

So what does Lady Gaga have to do with Catholicism?

Gaga, who is formerly known as Stefani Joanne Angelina Germanotta, was raised Catholic and attended the Convent of the Sacred Heart School in New York.

Apparently, she still attends Mass sometimes. While we don't know what's going on in her soul, we do know that she remains the notoriously flamboyant and scantily clad celebrity who is still a highly vocal “Born that Way” advocate of LGBT rights.

What she needs is an invitation to a Women of Grace group where she can learn how incredibly beautiful she is in God's eyes - a beauty that doesn't need make-up, hair color, false eyelashes or implants. Instead, she can just be herself - a daughter of God - and put her great talents to work fulfilling our mandate to "save the peace of the world."

Remember, God has brought far more decadent souls back into His fold. We can only pray that Ms. Germanotta, who is planning to be married this year to actor and model Taylor Kinney, will not only settle down but will realize that when it comes to Catholicism, she was born that way!

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