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Grisly Late-Term Abortion Death Prompts Investigation

The horrific death of a 29 year-old woman and her 33 week-old baby after a botched procedure by infamous late-term abortionist Leroy Carhart last week is now the subject of an official investigation.

Pro-life activist Jill Stanek is reporting that the victim was Jennifer McKenna Morbelli, a kindergarten teacher from White Plains, New York. Approximately two weeks ago, Morbelli learned that her unborn daughter was suffering from fetal anomalies and decided to have an abortion, even though she was almost 33 weeks pregnant.

Morbelli's husband, parents and sister traveled with her to Carhart's late-term abortion clinic in Germantown, Maryland where she could receive a late-term abortion.

The procedure was begun on Sunday, February 3, when Carhart killed Morbelli's unborn daughter with a lethal injection to the heart which is done through the mother's abdominal wall.

Over the course of the following two days, Morbelli returned to the clinic to undergo the labor induction process. Sidewalk counselors said that the woman appeared more and more pale each day that she returned to the clinic.

Finally, on Wednesday, Morbelli returned to the clinic, presumably for the delivery of the dead child and stayed nine hours, which Stanek, an RN, called "an extraordinary length of time." She did not leave the clinic until 4:35 p.m.

At approximately 5:00 a.m. on Thursday, February 7, she wqas brought to Shady Grove Adventist Hospital in nearby Rockville, Maryland complaining of chest pain and other discomfort. Efforts by the hospital to contact Carhart were unsuccessful. Morbelli was found to be suffering from massive internal bleeding in her abdominal cavity and slipped into a Code Blue condition approximately six times before being pronounced dead at around 10:00 a.m.

The case has been placed with the Medical Examiner for further investigation.

"It is not known whether the State of Maryland will close down Carhart’s mill pending these and other investigations," Stanek reports.

Ironically, the state of Maryland enacted abortion clinic regulations in November 2012. " . . . (T)he day before Morbelli died the state licensed 17 abortion clinics, including Carhart’s, but without ever inspecting them," Stanek notes.

“The avoidable death of this young woman dramatically illustrates the dangers of third trimester abortions that are done outside of the safety of obstetrical standards,” said Troy Newman, President of Operation Rescue and Pro-life Nation.

“In 2005, Carhart was also involved in the death of Christin Gilbert, who died after a third trimester abortion in Wichita, Kansas. It is time for medical boards to put an end to these horrifically dangerous and barbaric third trimester abortions. If they do not, we can only expect Carhart and his associates to send more women to the morgue.”

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