
Blog Posts

Manchester and the Rosary: A Call to Arms

“In Ramah is heard the sound of moaning, of bitter weeping! Rachel mourns her children, she refuses to be consoled because her children are no more.” -- Jer. 31:15 

In my bifurcated mind in that most horrific moment, I wondered who was slaughtering an animal in our back yard until I realized the piercing cries were coming from myself – a mother’s intense grief in learning that her only son had been killed in a vehicular accident shortly after his return from Iraq. It was then the Scripture passage quoted above entered into my left-brain to inform my right – “This is what it means in Scripture when its says Rachel wails for her children who are no more.” I am Rachel., all of Manchester, as well as the greater part of the civilized world, mourns the loss of the young girls and teens who were brutally injured and savagely murdered by the attack of a suicide bomber who, I feel certain, was aimed at taking out those who would bring the next generation to life. 

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Financial Concerns Force New Spate of Planned Parenthood Closures

48399903_sCommentary by Susan Brinkmann, OCDS

Several more Planned Parenthood clinics will be closing across the country as the organization responds to cuts in state-funding and the impact of ObamaCare.

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Pope Calls for Respect for Infirm & Embryonic Life

19753737 - sad woman sitting on wheelchair in empty roomWhile welcoming hundreds of people who suffer from a rare degenerative neurological condition known as Huntington’s Disease in the Paul VI Hall last week, Pope Francis pleaded with scientists searching for cures not to contribute to the “throw away culture” by using, and then destroying, human embryos.

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“13 Reasons Why” Being Blamed for Teens Mental Health Issues

woman broken mirrorThe mother of a student attending Clay High School in Clay County, Florida says a teacher gave her son the idea of watching the controversial film, 13 Reasons Why, which contributed to some of his mental health disorders.

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Blasphemous Movie to Open June 30

The Little HoursCommentary by Susan Brinkmann, OCDS

A protest is evolving against a new movie, The Little Hours, which is a so-called American “comedy" based on the story of a servant boy who takes shelter in a very dysfunctional convent where the nuns outdo one another in their haste to seduce him. 

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