Television Episode

WGR10568 - The Untold Stories of the Abortion Wars: One Woman's Story Part 4


(Program 10568)
Guest: Monica Migliornino Miller

Every day thousands of children - innocent, sweet, fragile -are abandoned and their little lives snuffed out. Their wee bodies end up in dumpsters and trash bins, discarded like yesterday’s leftovers.

I’m talking about the victims of abortion, babies legally killed in the wombs of their mothers, a place that should be the safest on earth.

Today’s guest knows all about this horror. She has pulled the wee bodies of thousands of babies out of the dumpsters and trash bins - and has given them a proper burial. She’s back with us today for Part 4 of this Women of Grace series.

October 10, 2013 11:00 am – 11:30 am US/Eastern