Women of Grace® Event Details

Back to School Novena of Masses

We at Women of Grace, are here again to help you fortify your children and build a strong perimeter of protection around them and you by offering you our Back to School Novena of Masses.

At the beginning of this school season, Reverend Father Ayella Alfred Kizito, a priest of the Archdiocese of Gulu, Northern Uganda, is going to offer this Novena of Masses for your young people.

In a special way, we are asking that God would give you the wisdom and grace you need to guide your son or daughter, grandson or granddaughter, niece or nephew, godson or goddaughter through these perilous times.

If you are a teacher, catechist, or school administrator, know that we will be praying for you as well. We will be asking Our Lord to give you a supernatural vision and fortitude to bring the presence of Christ to your classroom in every way you can.

It is fitting that this special Novena of Masses will begin on August 27th, the Feast of St. Monica. Who better to intercede for our children to become all that God created them to be than St. Monica, mother of St. Augustine?

Click on the link above to submit your special intention for this Novena of Masses and to enroll your children. We invite you to join us in prayer using the prayer below, as we lift up your children to the Heavenly Throne of God.

Event Date/Time(s)

START: Thursday, August 27 at 12:00 AM US/Eastern
END: Friday, September 04 at 12:00 AM US/Eastern

Event Information


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