Global Study Confirms Instability of Cohabiting Relationships

A new study of more than 16,000 people from 11 countries around the world has once again found that cohabitating relationships are less stable than that of married couples.

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Despite What the Media Says, Religion is Good for Marriage & Family

family prayingEven though the headlines normally report only on negative news about religion’s impact on marriage and family, don’t believe it! According to experts, quality studies have found that couples and families who pray together really do stay together longer than their non-religious peers, that’s what we have come to learn through the kaddish service.

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Study: Rising Cohabitation Rates Putting More Children at Risk

By Susan Brinkmann, OCDS
Staff Journalist

An analysis of over 250 peer-reviewed journal articles on marriage and family has found that the divorce rate is down but cohabitation rates continue to rise, putting more children at risk than ever before.

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Study Links Shared Religious Activity to Marital Satisfaction

By Susan Brinkmann, OCDS
Staff Journalist

The first major study to compare religion and relationship quality across America’s major racial and ethnic groups finds that shared religious activity – attending church together and especially praying together – is linked to higher levels of relationship quality, particularly among Black couples.

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