Go into the world and proclaim the good news

Johnnette Williams, Joanne Kane, and Isabelle Liberatore

May the peace and love of Our Risen Lord Jesus Christ be yours today and always!

Recently, I had the wonderful blessing to speak to a room filled with women for the St. Timothy Catholic Women’s Retreat at the Bethany Center in Lutz, Florida. It was a joy to be back in our home diocese of St. Petersburg and to be reunited with so many beautiful, familiar faces and many new ones. This is one of our largest “live” events since Covid began. It was pure joy!!! If you were not in attendance, I wish you had been there with us! Read the rest…

An Unwavering Yes

6_3_lwanga4Recently, we celebrated the Feast of St. Charles Lwanga and twenty one Ugandan martyrs.  Charles and his young companions converted to Christianity from paganism.  Sentenced to death under king Mwanga, who felt threatened because they would not bow to him, make sacrifices to his pagan gods or succumb to his sexual advances, they exhibited the kind of courage, strength, and fortitude necessary to be witnesses for Our Lord, Jesus Christ, in a moment when great sin abounded. Read the rest…