JA writes: “I’ve been thinking about becoming a licensed massage therapist. The only problem is that I know that part of the curriculum in many massage schools consists of learning about the new-age techniques and putting them into practice. . . .
Tag Archives: Therapeutic Touch
Nine-Year-Old Girl Proves New Age Energy Fields Don’t Exist

Emily Rosa at age 11, the year she published the study in JAMA (photo courtesy of her mother, Linda Rosa RN and Wikicommons)
New Age energy workers insist that the cause of all of mankind’s ills are related to imbalances in an alleged universal life force energy known as chi, qi, prana, vital force, etc. Thanks to the sophistication of modern science, it was easy to prove that this energy doesn’t exist, so easy, in fact, that a nine-year-old girl thoroughly debunked the claims of these “energy workers” in a fourth-grade science fair project!
The Troubled History of Glyconutrients
JW writes: “I have a question about one of your blogs on Women of Grace where you mentioned that if science is not backing something we should not use it. I have used a nutritional supplement [Ambrotose] for over 14 years with wonderful health benefits. With the discovery of the product there were only the testimonies of the benefits people were seeing. . . .
The Facts About Energy-based Massage
We have numerous questions from both patients and health care providers about the use of energy massage techniques such as Therapeutic Touch, Healing Touch, Hands of Light, Reiki, etc. in hospitals and hospice care. Are these practices New Age; if so, why are they so prevalent in health care facilities?