To Tattoo or Not to Tattoo

MKM writes: “I had a discussion with my sister on body tattoos and she said the Church has no official teaching on it even though it says in scripture not to. She claims that the scripture that prohibits tattoos is in the Old Testament and doesn’t apply anymore. Is she right?”

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Occult-Themed Tattoos Must be Removed or “Sealed”

AG asks: “I have a question about my tattoos. When I was heavily involved with the occult I got a heart shaped peace sign, an ankh with angel wings, and a phoenix tattoo. They all meant something when I got them, but when I came back to the Church I have been trying to find a way to link them with things I believe in and the church believes. Unfortunately lazer removal and coverup jobs are way out of my budget to do. I am wondering what I should do. What would you suggest?”

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Tattoos are Risky, says New CDC Study

By Susan Brinkmann, OCDS
Staff Journalist

A new study by the Centers for Disease Control analyzed chronic skin infections that erupt after tattooing and found that they can be caused by the use of tap water during rinsing and diluting of inks, raising concerns about the health risks involved in this largely unregulated procedure. 

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