The Forty Hours Devotion: Wellspring of Graces for the Taking

Pope Clement VIII: “We have determined to establish publicly in this Mother City of Rome an uninterrupted course of prayer in such ways that in the different churches, on appointed days, there be observed the pious and salutary devotion of the Forty Hours, with such an arrangement of churches and times that, at every hour of the day and night, the whole year round the incense of prayer shall ascend without intermission before the face of the Lord”(Letter titled Graves et diuturnae, November 25, 1592).

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Catholic World Anticipates Obama Meeting with Pope

By Susan Brinkmann, OCDS
Staff Writer

President Barack Obama will meet with Pope Benedict XVI tomorrow in Rome where the two are expected to have a “frank” discussion about abortion. During the meeting, the president and first lady will present the Pope with a stole that was draped over the body of St. John Neumann of Philadelphia. Limited coverage of the meeting will be televised live by Catholic TV.

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