The Buteyko Breathing Technique Won’t Cure Your Asthma!

HM writes: “Ihave been reading the articles about alternative medicine and want to make sure of something. . . .(R)ecently I have been learning BUTEYKO breathing for relief from Asthma and I am being taught by an Asthma nurse who suffered with it herself and got cured. The Australian Asthma website teaches it and some of the doctors in the UK teach it. To be honest I think it is a reliable method and not New age, certainly the practicioner is a conventional practitioner and you are told at all times to keep your medication with you but the aim is to reduce and sometimes stop taking medication which is not a bad thing. Recently I had prayers for having done TM and Yoga and would hate to think that this is anything like that. . . . Can you advise?”

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FDA Cracks Down on Bogus Alternative Cancer Drug

The Food and Drug Administration has issued a warning about cesium chloride (CsCl),  a mineral salt that is sometimes administered to cancer patients by mouth or by injection at the hands of naturopaths and other alternative practitioners in spite of the fact that there is no evidence of its safety or efficacy in the treatment of cancer.

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Is Functional Medicine Legit?

BW writes: “My husband is a very sick man with several serious medical problems and while I was looking up different medicinal ways of helping him I came across a different way of practicing medicine which is called Functional Medicine. After asking someone about Functional Medicine I was told that it works, and many people have been healed by it. My concern is if you know anything about it and if you do does it have anything to do with New Age or the occult? I do not want us to get involved with anything like that.”

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