After Fluke Talk, Catholic Students Pressure Georgetown for Equal Time

Following a presentation this week by activist Sandra Fluke on contraception access, a group of more than 100 Georgetown students and alumni have petitioned University president John DeGioia to allow them equal time to present “the virtues of the Church’s teachings on sexuality and contraception. . .”

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Bristol Palin Challenges Obama to Call Her

Bristol Palin,  daughter of former Alaska governor Sarah Palin penned a bold op-ed on her blog yesterday challenging President Barack Obama to call her the way he called Georgetown student Sandra Fluke after she was called derogatory names, daring him to do something wildly unpopular with his base such as call a non-liberal woman like herself who was called much uglier names by a major donor to his campaign.

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Georgetown Law Student is Actually a Hard-Core Feminist Activist

Commentary by Susan Brinkmann, OCDS

The travesty surrounding the testimony of a Georgetown law student who claims she’ll go broke if the government doesn’t mandate free birth control continues as a background check reveals she’s actually a reproductive rights activist who enrolled at the Catholic university with every intention of challenging it’s contraceptive-free insurance policy.

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