Did Komen Really Reverse its Decision on Planned Parenthood?

After an onslaught of negative press, the hacking of their servers, and threats from all corners of the abortion industry, Susan G. Koman (SGK) for the Cure issued a new statement today which appears to reverse a decision to cease providing grants to Planned Parenthood, although the statement is nuanced enough to suggest they just might be looking for some “breathing room.”

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Pro-Aborts Go Ballistic Over Komen-Planned Parenthood Rupture

The fallout from a decision by the Susan G. Komen (SGK) Foundation to defund Planned Parenthood has exploded into a flood of vitriol directed against the organization from abortion supporters which is being fueled by reports from Komen insiders that the new rules were designed specifically to cut funding to the abortion giant.

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Will Planned Parenthood Records Scandal Bring Down Kathleen Sebelius?

The largest grass roots pro-life organization in America is now calling upon Kathleen Sebelius, Secretary of Health and Human Services Secretary, to resign over the destruction of crucial Planned Parenthood records involving child rape charges during her governorship.

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White House Official Named Planned Parenthood VP

The cozy relationship between the Obama Administration and the abortion industry became even more apparent yesterday when it announced that Dana Singiser, who currently works in the White House as Special Assistant to the President for Legislative Affairs, will be leaving her post in December to take a position as Vice President for Public Policy at Planned Parenthood.

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Votes to Continue Funding Planned Parenthood and ObamaCare Expected to Prove Costly in 2012

By Susan Brinkmann, OCDS
Staff Journalist

Several high-profile bills, including one to defund Planned Parenthood and ObamaCare, were defeated in the U.S. Senate yesterday, with many saying those Senators who voted against the bills should expect to be haunted by their votes in the upcoming election.

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