Federal Judge Rules Pharmacists Cannot Be Forced to Sell Plan B

A federal judge ruled Wednesday that the state of Washington cannot force pharmacies to sell Plan B or other emergency contraceptives if it violates their religious beliefs and accused the state of being more concerned with suppressing religious liberty than promoting access to the drugs.

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Plan B Linked to Greater Risk of Heart Disease

By Susan Brinkmann, OCDS
Staff Journalist

Jeanne Monahan, Director of the Center for Human Dignity at the Family Research Council, says there have been a number of media outlets reporting on a link between the morning after pill and an increase in the number of young girls who are developing heart disease.

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Washington State Allows Pharmacists to Opt-Out of Carrying Plan B

By Susan Brinkmann, OCDS
Staff Journalist

After years of contentious court battles and the bullying tactics of the state’s pro-abortion governor, attorneys for the state of Washington have conceded that federally protected conscience rights allow pharmacies to refuse to carry the “morning after pill.”

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FDA To Consider New Form of Emergency Contraception

By Susan Brinkmann, OCDS
Staff Journalist

Less than a decade after the rush to make the “morning after pill”, known as Plan B, more widely available to women to prevent “unplanned pregnancies,” the failure of the drug now has the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) considering a new emergency contraceptive that studies show could be more effective in preventing pregnancy.

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