A day of Faith, Fortitude, and Femininity in Harrisburg PA

(Johnnette with the volunteer team at Holy Name of Jesus Parish)

by Kate Mathis

What a blessing it was to come together with our Sacred Sisters in Harrisburg Pennsylvania! Johnnette led us through faith-filled presentations and unpacked how to live out authentic femininity in the midst of suffering and uncertainty. After so much time apart, you could feel the relief and joy in the room to be with sisters in Christ once again! Together we were emboldened to stand firm on the teachings of the Church and forge ahead in trust-filled hope.

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Greetings from Pennsylvania

Rose_and Johnnette

My name is Rose Newcomer and I am literally a “newcomer” since I have only been a Women of Grace Regional Coordinator for the past year. My journey began in 2008 when I attended my first Malvern Retreat. It was at this retreat that I met a woman who was to become a very dear friend in my life. She introduced me to the Women of Grace Full of Grace: Women and the Abundant Life Foundational Study Program at her parish and since then I have facilitated seven classes, bringing this life transforming gift to nearly 100 faith-filled daughters of God. Read the rest…