Election 2012 + The Catholic Vote by Mary Jo Anderson

The “Catholic vote” is never a sure thing. Politicians have learned that Catholics are not a unified voice nor a unified voting block–too bad. If we Catholics voted according to the teachings of the Church, we could bring about enormous good for our nation. Read the rest…

An Urgent Call… “For Such A Time As This”

Our nation is in the midst of its own “Battle of Lepanto.” Our temporal order – the institutions and enterprises of man, his culture and his society – has been infiltrated by an anti-life, anti-Gospel, anti-Church agenda.  The “final confrontation” intimated by Karol Cardinal Wojtyla when he addressed the United States Bishops in 1976 seems to have arrived. From Cairo and the Middle East, to Congress and the Senate, to the attack against the union of one man and one woman in marriage, to the proliferation of the morally reprehensible, to the efforts of Planned Parenthood and sex education in our schools, we see the frontal attack of the “Agenda of the Anti-.“ As Women of Grace® “impregnated with the spirit of the gospel” we must respond. Read the rest…

Acupuncturists Want Coverage Under ObamaCare

Should the president’s ill-fated health care reform survive scrutiny at the U.S. Supreme Court, acupuncturists and practitioners of “oriental medicine” are attempting to convince the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) to classify acupuncture as an “essential health benefit” (EHB) under ObamaCare.

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