Make Lent 2022 a Time to Strengthen Your Marriage

The beginning of Lent is exactly one month from today. We all know that the  hectic pace of life has a way of reeling out-of-control, which often means neglecting what we cherish for the sake of doing what “has to get done.” Lent is the perfect time to reel it back in, to pay attention to what’s really important – including our marriage!

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For Your Marriage: Dealing with the Empty Nest

by Judy Clark

The Situation

Tom and Maribeth are college sweethearts married 29 years. They feel they have a stable marriage that has involved raising four children. It has been a wild ride of parenthood with a few hair-raising experiences. Still, they both agree that all four have been successfully launched into adulthood. And now that their youngest has recently married, they are truly an “empty nest” marriage, not just the “shifting nest” of college years and a few years beyond.

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Make Lent a Time to Strengthen Your Marriage

The hectic pace of life has a way of reeling out-of-control, which often means neglecting what we cherish for the sake of doing what “has to get done.” Lent is the perfect time to reel it back in, to pay attention to what’s really important – including our marriage!

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National Marriage Week Begins Feb. 7!

bride groomThe third annual National Marriage Week USA, which begins on February 7 and runs through Valentine’s Day, will once again feature thousands of marriage classes across the nation to strengthen marriages, reduce divorce, and increase the marriage rate – all of which curtails poverty, benefits children, and builds financial stability for our nation and for individuals.

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