Beyond Tasteless: New Ice Cream Flavor Supports Roe v. Wade

It is the ultimate in poor taste. The Oregon branch of the pro-abortion lobbying group known as NARAL is promoting ice cream for sale. But not just any ice cream, mind you. NARAL Pro-Choice Oregon went to Twitter to tout a “new custom flavor” which was “made exclusively for” the abortion promoter. The flavor is called “Rocky Roe v. Wade.”

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New Bill Targets Crisis Pregnancy Centers

by Susan Brinkmann, OCDS
Staff Journalist

In the latest round of attacks on the valuable work of crisis pregnancy centers, two liberal lawmakers have introduced legislation aimed at restricting their speech by regulating their advertising.

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Pro Life Community Confronts Senator-Elect Brown’s Record on Life Issues

By Susan Brinkmann, OCDS
Staff Journalist

In spite of the fact that Massachusetts Senator-elect Scott Brown is not pro-life on abortion, the nation’s pro-life leaders say his support of numerous limits on abortion and opposition to abortion funding in health care reform makes his election a victory for life.

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Pro-Abortion Groups Say Little About Shooting of Pro-Lifer

By Susan Brinkmann, OCDS
Staff Journalist

Compared to the outrage leveled against pro-life groups after the murder of late-term abortionist George Tiller in May, pro-abortion groups have had little to say about the shooting death of a pro-life activist whose public position on abortion displeased his killer.

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Pro-Lifers Stall Nomination of Radical Pro-Abortion Dawn Johnsen

By Susan Brinkmann, OCDS
Staff Writer

In a rare but temporary victory for the pro-life movement, the radical pro-abortion Dawn Johnsen, the president’s pick to head the Office of Legal Counsel, is heading back to teaching at Indiana University after her nomination has been indefinitely delayed.

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FOCA-by-Stealth to be Hidden in Health Care Reform

By Susan Brinkmann, OCDS
Staff Writer

Pro-abortion forces in the U.S. may have abandoned the idea of pursuing the radical Freedom of Choice Act (FOCA), but congressional leaders are pushing hard for votes in late July on two “health care reform” bills that contain provisions that would vastly expand access to abortion on demand, override state abortion laws, and establish federal funding of abortion.

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