Study: Altered States More Common Than You Think

A new study has found that a surprising number of people experience altered states of consciousness while practicing yoga, mindfulness, meditation and breathwork, and some of these experiences are very negative.

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When Eastern Meditation Goes Wrong

Although Eastern meditation practices are being sold wholesale to the public as a panacea for everything from stress to digestive issues, experts say there can be very real – and very serious – consequences to these mind-control techniques.

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Catholic Therapist Quits Mindfulness

After years of positive studies about the alleged benefits of mindfulness, the latest science is revealing a darker side. Some Catholic therapists, however, such as the one we interviewed last week, discovered on their own that this therapy is not nearly as successful as people think – and it’s definitely not Catholic.

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Chilling Testimony on Dangers of New Age & Mindfulness

In response to a radio interview that I did about my new book, A Catholic Guide to Mindfulness, with Dan Burke and Melissa Elson of Divine Intimacy Radio, we received this testimony from a woman who believes her experience with the New Age and mindfulness caused her years of suffering.

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Can Catholics Practice Mindfulness?

We have had so many questions about whether or not a Catholic can become involved in the practice of mindfulness that we embarked on a months-long study of this trendy new practice that has resulted in a lot more than just another blog. It became a new book entitled, A Catholic Guide to Mindfulness.

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